Snares Crested Penguin
Eudyptes Robustus

The Snares crested penguin stands about 40cm and weighs around 3 kilograms. It is very similar in appearance to the Fiordland crested penguin with which it can be easily confused, particularly at sea. The head, throat and upper parts are black and under parts are white. The sulphur-yellow crest starts at the base of the base of the bill, extends over the eye and droops down the back of the head. The bill is very robust, particularly in the male, and the prominent area of bare skin at its base helps distinguish the Snares from the Fiordland penguin. The Snares may have some white cheek feathers, however this occurs only in a few individuals and they do not form lines as in the Fiordland penguin. The eye is red, but not not as bright as seen in the Rockhopper. Sexes alike, but male is slightly larger and with a heavier bill. Fledglings have pale chins and short crests.