Bristol Zoological Gardens,UK
DOB - 12/99
LOCATION - Bristol Zoo Gardens, UK
INTERESTS - Flower Arranging, Darts, Synchronised Swimming, Wrestling
MUSIC - Elvis Presley, Bucks Fizz, Napalm Death
FAV SONG - Blue Suede Shoes - Elvis
Elvis started work at Bristol Zoo on Monday 20th of March. He will be stationed at the education centre under the watchful eye of Simon Garrett, the Head of Education. Elvis will, hopefully (if he behaves himself), assist Simon in the education of children who visit the zoo. I believe that he is going to be assisting the 'cadets' who also help at the zoo.
Elvis's Gallery
![]() Elzoo10.jpg | ![]() Elvis.jpg | ![]() ElnMe.jpg |
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![]() Elzoo16.jpg |
Email Correspondence
From: "Guy"
To: "Simon Garrett"
Subject: Elvis Lives
Date: Monday, April 03, 2000 11:34 PM
Dear Simon,
How's Elvis? I do hope he's behaving himself. His brother, Dennis, is renowned for getting into trouble. Elvis, on the other hand, seems to have a level head on him so he shouldn't be any bother. He does like to tease smaller animals than himself, though. He especially likes to taunt Meercats by making eagle noises from behind bushes. He once took this too far and ended up getting a 'right good kicking' by half a dozen Meercats and a few Marmosets (who happened to be visiting for 'tea' that afternoon). He's also very partial to ice lollies, so don't let him get too near the ice-cream cabinets otherwise you'll be down to your last Cider Lolly before you know it!
Anyway let me know how you're getting on when you get a spare five minutes - if you ever get a spare five minutes.
Speak to you soon,
From: "Guy"
To: "Simon Garrett"
Subject: Elvis
Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 10:40 PM
Dear Simon,
I hope you and Elvis are okay and that he hasn't 'left the building' yet! Drop me a line when you get the chance to let me know everything's fine. I have been contacted by Falklands Conservation, hasn't Bristol Zoo got links with them in some way?
Anyway, speak to you soon,
From: "Bristol Zoo Education Dept"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Re: Elvis
Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 9:44 AM
Yup, having a lovely time ... will mail you shortly to let you know what I've been doing.
From: Bristol Zoo Education Dept
To: Guy Wooles
Subject: Elvis's photo info
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000
Here is the info from Sue, who took most of the photos. The others are taken in the Penguin and Seal exhibit at the Zoo.
Hope there is enough info.
18 April - went to Air Cadets with 93 (City of Bath) Squadron who were celebrating winning the best squadron in their Region. They get to go flying, gliding and adventure training. Great bunch of young people.
23 April - Easter Sunday - went with Sue and Colin over to Wales. Stayed looking around Tintern Abbey while they went off for a hike.
29 April - went to Scotland with Sue and Colin for a week. Great weather and still a little snow on the tops of mountains. Photo shows view down the A9 towards Ben Alder. Climbed my first Munro - Meall Chuaich - 951 meters, and you can see the Cairngorms behind me. Wonderful views.
3 May - visited the Tomatin distillery and had a dram - good stuff. Fed the ducks at Braemar in the afternoon. The sun is still shining and I'm getting a good tan.
6 May - stopped off in Worcester on the way back to Bristol to visit Sam who lives in the cathedral close.
From: "Sue Dow"
To: "Guy"
Subject: degree show
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 16:32:17
Hi Guy,
Elvis is hoping to bring me to the degree show this evening. I hope to see you there. I have to go to Bath tonight but am hoping to come down soon after 6pm tonight.
If we don't meet up I'll probably be coming with others one evening next week. I'll get Elvis back to you somehow.
Dr Susan M. Dow
Capital Projects and Science Co-ordinator
From: "Guy"
To: "Sue Dow"
Subject: Re: degree show
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 14:34:59
Dear Sue,
Elvis can be a permanent resident at the zoo if he wishes so there is no need to return him.
See you at the show
From: "Sue Dow"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Re: degree show
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 09:30:20
Dear Guy
I hope that you and Elvis have met up by now. If he wants to come back to the zoo he would be very welcome.
Dr Susan M. Dow
Capital Projects and Science Co-ordinator
From: "Guy"
To: "Sue Dow"
Subject: Elvis
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 09:49:38
Dear Sue,
I'm really sorry that I missed you at the show (I was late leaving in the afternoon, so I had to cram in a bath and food before returning hence my lateness).
It was a lovely surprise to be greeted by Elvis in his gown and mortar board with it's penguin feather, it made the evening even more special.
Elvis has been really miserable since leaving the zoo and has been going on about getting back to you to continue his zoological and environmental training. I, as well, would love it if we could continue his residency for as long as you are happy to have him. My intention is to continue the work with Dennis, Scott and Elvis being semi-permanent residencies that will be updated on the website on a regular basis.
It would be nice if we could use Elvis to raise conservation or environmental issues and publish them on the site. He could become the 'David Attenborough' of the animal world!
If you have any suggestions on what we (or I) could do please let me know, I'd love to hear them. In the meantime can we organise a time for me to return Elvis to active duties? I would send him on the bus but he is apt to wander off and get lost, or he'd spend all the bus fare on ice cream!!
I look forward to hearing from you
Take care
P.S. I am about to start approaching people like Penguin Biscuits and Penguin Books for funding to continue my work. Can you think of anyone else who I might approach - I'm also considering newspaper companies due to the obvious link?
From: "Sue Dow"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Re: Elvis
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 18:34:22
Hi Guy
It would be great to have Elvis here. I'm sure we can arrange something to keep information flowing.
On a more serious note are you aware of the plight of much of the African penguin population following a major oil spill? Thousands of birds have been oiled as a result of the "Treasure". Many have chicks, especially on Robben Island, so the outlook is bleak for them.
Cape Town university are trying to fence in clean birds and clean up oiled birds. Bristol Zoo is co-ordinating fund raising locally to help the clean-up and care of penguins. More info is available on www.uct.ac.za/depts/stats/adu/oilspill/index.htm.
I'm sure any publicity on what is happening to penguins in the wild would be appreciated.
Hope to see you and Elvis soon (I'm effectively away from Thursday until 17th).
Dr Susan M. Dow
Capital Projects and Science Co-ordinator
From: "Guy"
To: "Sue Dow"
Subject: New Resident
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 23:25:16
Dear Sue,
Elvis is sat beside me making sure that I e-mail you to arrange a time when I can hand him back into your safe hands. He's been pacing (no, waddling) up and down the flat muttering to himself that I never take him anywhere. I keep telling him that if he were a real bird he'd fly out the window but he doesn't seem to see the funny side! He keeps saying that this is no place for a bird with a BA (Hons) degree but, as I say, he has to start somewhere and that good things come to those who wait. (He's just jumped down and walked off in disgust - no doubt to raid the fridge!)
Anyway, now that he's stopped bothering me and dripping on the keyboard (he's just got out of the bath you see) maybe we could arrange a time for me and Elvis to come to the zoo and discuss further duties.
Speak to you soon,
oh, and Elvis X
From: "Sue Dow"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Re: New Resident
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 13:21:40
Dear Guy and Elvis
Good to hear from you. Come up sometime soon. I am around all through August so pick a day. Suggest that you contact me first as some days turn fairly hectic.
Talk to you soon and tell Elvis it may be hot but ice cream is not a balanced penguin diet.
Dr Susan M. Dow
Capital Projects and Science Co-ordinator
From: "Guy"
To: "Sue Dow"
Subject: Visit
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 16:39:02
Dear Sue,
How are things at the zoo? I bet they're hectic now that the school holidays are upon us.
Well I've got one packed penguin on my doorstep waiting to be taken to the zoo. We were thinking of coming up on Friday afternoon if that's okay with you?
I'll buy you a coffee (or a beer if you'd prefer).
Do you have a direct line so that I can call you if there is a problem?
My no. is ************.
Speak to you soon
From: "Sue Dow"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Re: Visit
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 17:00:32
Hi Guy
Friday would be fine. I don't have a direct line but try *** ****. I'm on extension *** or if not you can leave a message.
Hope to see you both.
PS Elvis can buy me an icecream.
Dr Susan M. Dow
Capital Projects and Science Co-ordinator
From: "Guy"
To: "Sue Dow"
Subject: Graduate
Date: Monday, October 30, 2000 5:22 PM
Dear Sue,
How are you? It's been a while since we've written so I thought I'd write and let you know what's going on. I graduated last Tuesday and had to go through the gown and mortar board debacle - it really isn't me, all that stuff'n'nonsense. In the end I actually found myself quite enjoying it. Unfortunately neither my parents nor my girlfriend were there due to them all off travelling the world (lousy timing by the university I'm afraid). I did, though, have Rachel's mother and sister there along with my brother and his fiancée. So it wasn't so bad.
I took along Elvis' sister, Betty, to the ceremony. She wore Elvis' gown and mortar board (I hope he doesn't mind) so there should be some images of us getting our BA (Hons) on the website soon.
At the moment I'm trying to make some money but with little success. I'm starting to concentrate, again, on more penguin adventures and have one planned for Alaska and, hopefully, the north pole. The north polar adventure will, I hope, be with a chap called James Morison, who works for the American government. He seemed pretty keen, initially, but I haven't heard anything from him since - hopefully he's just very busy.
I've also been trying to get a penguin to the south pole to coincide with the penguin at the north. All requests that I've made, though, seem to have fallen on deaf ears.
Did I tell you before that I'm redesigning the website? It was looking very studentish and I thought that it had to look a lot more professional if I'm going to make it more than a final year project. I also want to make the site available for the penguin hosts, like yourself, to raise issues that are important in the work they are doing. Thereby making the site more educational and environmental. What do you reckon? Think I can pull it off? Any suggestions would be extremely welcome and if you need any advice on how to look after penguins etc. please don't hesitate to ask!
How are things with you? Is Elvis behaving himself? I must pop over and visit soon and if you've both got time maybe we can have a coffee.
How have all the animals coped with this lovely weather? Has it caused any problems? In this weather even Elvis could probably fly!
If you get anymore pics of Elvis I'd love to see them. In fact if you have any pics that you think would suit the website (without Elvis in) then I would love to see them.
Anyway, I must let you get on.
Speak to you soon if I don't see you sooner.
Take care
From: "Guy"
To: "Sue Dow"
Subject: Long time no hear
Date: Friday, February 02, 2001 1:25 PM
Hi Sue,
How are things at Bristol Zoo and is Elvis behaving himself?
I've had a number of schools around the world asking me about my penguins and the one's I've sent them to have virtually altered the curriculum to accommodate. This project seems to be turning into quite an educational one. I have one in a school in Alaska and am about to send one off to a school in Massachusetts. Another has been sent to Hawaii and there is one waiting, in Seattle, to hop on a ship to the North Pole.
I was really sorry to hear about the sad loss of your two fantastic King Penguins. Do you have any idea what kind of virus killed them? I've been trying to find some information on it from the zoo website, BBC Bristol and the Evening Post website but have been unable to find anything. Could you give me some information so that I can put it on my website because I think it's an important loss that visitors to the site might want to know about. I hope it hasn't effected any of the other penguins.
Do you have plans to replace the two Kings or is it not as simple as that?
I hope you are ok and not working too hard. Have you been up to the Cairngorms again? Is the whisky still good this year?
Please let me know how you all are doing at BZ.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Take care
FromGuy Wooles
Date05 October 2011
ToSue Dow
SubjectFAO Sue Dow-RE: Elvis the Paper Penguin
Hi Sue,
Yes, it's me and I'm still alive (that's if you remember me!).
Don't know whether this email address is still working but I'm sure I'll soon find out.
I writing to let you know that I am kick-starting the Paper Penguin project again and I hope it will be bigger and better than before.
If you still have Elvis, then that's great great. But don't worry if you don't.If you do still have Elvis could you update me of his location and situation. If not then maybe a little information of what you think 'may have happened to him'! All the information I will put on the new look website at www.paperpenguins.co.uk.
I hope you are well and I look forward to hearing from you.
Guy Wooles BA (Hons)
FromSue Dow
Date05 October 2011
ToGuy Wooles
SubjectRE: FAO Sue Dow-RE: Elvis the Paper Penguin
Hi Guy
Great to hear from you!
Elvis has taken up residence at my house in Bristol. He has not had so many trips out in recent years but has come with us to Scotland on several trips over the years and when he hears you have been in touch may want to come with us again. I’m sure he will want to come to the zoo again as well. I’ll keep an eye on the website.
Life has been rather full of the gorillas that have been around Bristol and then the goodbye event last week with all 60 on the lawn here prior to the auction last Thursday. It was fantastic how Bristolians took them to their heart.