School in Hong Kong
DOB - 12/99
LOCATION - School in Hong Kong
INTERESTS - Rugby, Fine Art, potholing, Conservation
MUSIC - Chopin, China Crisis, Abba, Rage Against The Machine
FAV SONG - Bomb Track - Rage Against The Machine
I waved Scott off at the Post Office on Wednesday, 1st of March, 2000 (St.David's Day), at 4.30pm. Scott was on his way to work at an art school in Hong Kong. He will be staying with a friend of his called Claire who, along with a friend, El, run the school.
Scott's Gallery
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Email Correspondence
From: Guy Wooles
To: Claire Radders
Subject: Penguin residency
Date: Wednesday, December 08, 1999 5:33 PM
Dear Claire,
My name is Guy Wooles and I believe Marina has already warned you about me. I am currently in my final year doing Fine Art in Context- I believe you already have experience of this millstone. Anyway, my latest project involves conservation and wildlife protection issues. For the past three months I have been creating penguins out of newspaper (not papier mache!) in preparation for a residency and to develop my own style of practice. I recently sent one of my creations (Dennis) to New Zealand to work and stay at a penguin colony in Oamaru, equipped with his own disposable camera. I got in contact with the ranger, Dave Houston, via e-mail and he was more than willing to take Dennis and introduce him to his feathered relatives. Apparently, next week he's meeting the Mayor and then he's off to check on yellow-eyed penguin nests. The week after he's giving Dave a hand with predator monitoring and fencing in a rare lizard reserve. He's already met their Prime Minister!!
Dennis has now become a residency of mine. To make this a successful final year project I have decided to send Dennis' brothers and sisters off on their own travels. I expect to have each penguin returned along with its own personal photo album. These photos will then be published on the internet along with each penguin's true personal adventure story- this project began via the internet, so I'm trying to keep it that way as much as possible.
The reason I am writing to you is that I would love to send one of my penguins to work with you or one of the other teachers. I am eager to get one of Dennis' siblings involved in education abroad. Maybe you could base a school project around him or get the kids to do paintings of him- it's entirely up to you (obviously).
It would be great if you could help me with this. Do you think this is possible?
Look forward to hearing from you soon,
From: "Claire Radford"
To: guywooles@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: penguin residency
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 02:54:35 PST
Dear Guy,
Get the little fella posted over as soon as you can and I'll do my best to get photos. Love doing stuff like this - may have to take him into a girlie bar! Can you tell me exactly what you expect me to take photos of. Don't worry about the film, they're cheap out here anyway - any excuse for a bit of a giggle. Let me know when you're sending him.
From: Guy
To: Claire
Subject: Scott's visit
Date: 27th February, 2000.
Dear Claire,
I will be sending you 'Scott' in the next few days. He is looking forward to seeing you and the school and won't stop going on about it! One minor problem, though, I don't have your address over there. Can you e-mail it to me as soon as possible. All I'm waiting for is the heavy duty clear plastic bag that he will travel in. This is so that customs will be able to see exactly what he is. We don't want any embarrassing internal body searches on the way, do we!? As to my photographic requirements there are very few. I would like him to get involved with the education side of the school and maybe projects based around him. Other than this you are free to do with him what you will, bearing in mind he is a rather young penguin and not used to all night partying. So you'll have to break him in gently.
My home e-mail is:- guy@khern.freeserve.co.uk
I have just got my computer back on its feet so this is the best way to contact me, also it's easier to save all my mail to separate project folders.
Thanks alot,
Speak to you soon,
From: "Claire Radford"
To: guy@khern.freeserve.co.uk
Subject: Re: Scott
Date: Tue, 29 Feb 2000 07:40:47 PST
Dear Guy,
I got your message my address is....... (censored to protect the innocent).
I 'll try my best to get as many decent pictures as I can. The next project that we're doing with our kids is 'water' so Scott will fit in perfectly I only hope the kids don't get too attached if he's expected home after his trip .
If he hasn't got any major attachments in England perhaps he'll decide to remain in Hong kong, he can live in the freezer!
Anyway good luck, write soon if you need anything else - when is the deadline for all this to be returned?
Take care
From: "Guy"
To: "Claire Radford"
Subject: En route
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 00:09:39
Dear Claire,
I posted Scott yesterday (1st March) at 4.30pm. They told me he should take about 5-7 days to arrive.
You'll have a good laugh when you see how he's packed. It might be a good idea to keep his travelling clothes for the return journey. He's wearing a rather smart pair of boots and a helmet. The helmet just slides off and the boots need to have the tape on the front part sliced so that he can be slid out of them. You'll realise what I'm on about when he arrives.
If you think that the kids would be sorry to see him go then you could send him back for my final show and I could always return him. I think my assessment is at the beginning of May so you have plenty of time to use and abuse him!
He shouldn't be too much trouble, any medical problems can usually be cured with a piece of sellotape! Being a penguin he will probably be keen to try the local sushi bar. But go easy on the rice wine, it gives him the runs.
Give me a shout when he arrives, it'll be interesting to see how long it actually takes. New Zealand took about 5 days, I think.
Anyway, thanks alot and I hope you have a lot of fun with him. I can't wait to see photos. Maybe you could e-mail me some to keep me going - whatever. Speak to you soon,
From: "Guy"
To: "Claire Radford"
Subject: Scott of the Kong
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 22:19:53
Hiya Claire,
Marina tells me that Scott finally arrived in one piece. When did he arrive on your doorstep? It should take approximately 7 days, weather permitting.
Can you tell me a bit about the school and the location and also your role so that I can include it in my website.
Marina tells me you want to put eyes on Scott - don't ask me, ask him. Whatever he says is o.k. by me - except for the hard drugs and S&M!! Keep me posted on his progress and anything else you can think of - it's fun this e-mail business, isn't it?
Anyway, speak to you soon
From: "Guy"
To: "Claire Radford"
Subject: Old Bird
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000. 22:50:12
Hiya Claire,
How's the old bird doing? I hope he hasn't been up to too much mischief. I take it he got there in one piece. Did you like his travelling suit? Wasn't it fetching? I've had a think about my assessment and have decided that Scott is not necessarily required to attend. This whole project has become more about communication than it has about penguins (unfortunately). So the e-mails and photos are most important to me. As long as Scott is happy with this, of course. You can send him back if he is being a nuisance! If you have any problems with him just mention that I still have the negatives of him and that pigeon!! That'll bring colour to his cheeks.
Have you managed to get him involved with any projects? What has been the reaction from the kids towards Scott? Or have they ripped him apart already?
I am preparing to launch my project on the internet (within the next week or so) so if you have any photos already I could put them on the site. You could send them via e-mail. Also could you let me know a bit about the school so that I can put that info on as well (maybe they have a website?).
Anyway, I seem to be going on a bit.
Speak to you soon,
P.S. I've attached a picture of Dennis, Scott's brother, with a penguin in New Zealand for you to see and show Scott.
From: "Guy"
To: "Claire Radford"
Subject: Scott
Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 10:37 PM
Dear Claire,
Haven't heard from you for a while, hope you're okay. Marina mentioned something about you coming over at Easter. If so I hope to see you then.
Take care
From: "Claire Radford"
To: "Guy"
Subject: About the little chap!
Date: Thursday, April 13, 2000 3:25 PM
Dear Guy,
Sorry for not writing in ages all is well so no need to panic I'll be back in U.K. next tuesday will get in contact with you ! I have a number of pictures of Scott and the kids unfortunately I have been s**t otherwise and have not had much time to show him the sights of H.K - was this nescessary? Anyway they are just simple photos of the kids doing their art work and Scott appearing in various places, sometimes the children are aware of Scott or doing something with him - not rude - or they are pretending not to notice him! I really hope this is what you wanted! Please let me know! I would send you some piccys but this bastard computer keeps crashing and I'm afraid to press anything I shouldn't.
Anyway, hope all is well, let Marina know your contact no. and I'll call you. Do you need scott or can he stay - he's taken quite a fancy to the parrot upstairs? I'll bring him back with me if you really do but you may want more photos taking if you're not to keen on the ones I've got.
Anyway take care.
See you soon
From: "Guy"
To: "Claire Radford"
Subject: Re: About the little chap!
Date: Thursday, April 13, 2000 6:02 PM
Dear Claire,
Good to hear from you. Don't worry about bringing him back, I'll only be using documentation for my assessment so he can stay with you.
I'm going back to Cardiff next Wednesday for about 10 days, how long are you in Bristol for? If we can't meet on Tuesday maybe we can meet Wednesday day or when I get back from Wales.
Anyway my contact number is 0117 9414465.
See you soon
take care
From: "Guy"
To: "Claire Radford"
Subject: Scott photos
Date: Sun, 7 May 2000 20:31:06
Dear Claire,
Sorry I didn't get to see you over Easter but I had to go down to West Wales to drink copious amounts of alcohol (somebody had to do it!). It also gave me the chance to 'launch' my 'penguins in bottles' - my version of a message in a bottle.
Did you leave any photos with Marina? If so I'll probably get them next week.
I am about to launch my site on the internet (hopefully next week) so I'll let you know the address as soon as it's up and running.
Speak to you soon,
From: "Guy"
To: "Claire Radford"
Subject: Photos
Date: Mon, 8 May 2000 22:28:01
Dear Claire,
Just got the photos off Marina this afternoon. They're fab! Exactly what I wanted, thanks. Are you sure you don't want some money for them? Are you up for doing any more? You could do a whole series - different aspects of Scott's life! You don't have to, honestly. These are more than enough to be getting on with.
Sally M. thought they were excellent as well.
Take Care
From: "Guy"
To: "Claire Radford"
Subject: Online at last
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 16:43:25
Dear Claire,
I have finally managed to get my head around all this internet, website and ftp s**t and launched my site. The address is www.khern.freeserve.co.uk
Check it out and let me know what you think.
From: "Guy"
To: "Claire Radford"
Subject: What's up?
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2000 09:51:02
Dear Claire,
How are things in Hong Kong? I hope you haven't been leading Scott astray. Or is it the other way round?
When does term finish over there? Have you shown the kids my website with their photos on it?
Over here everything's done bar the screaming. Uni life has ended and unfortunately the state has had to start paying for me again. Life's a bitch, eh? But at least it's the summer - not that we've had much of one so far.
I'm trying to get funding or sponsorship so that I can continue with the penguins and I've approached the Evening Post to see if they'll send me to South Africa to help with the clean up campaign to save the oil strcken penguins there (well, it's worth a try).
Anyway, let me know what you've been up to and the whole penguin project is still running so if you have any more info it would be appreciated.
Speak to you soon,
From: "Claire Radford"
To: guy@khern.freeserve.co.uk
Subject: Congrads!
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2000 20:15:59 PDT
dearest guy
Congradulations on finishing I'm sure you're relieved, how did everything go? when do you get you marks and stuff? Let me know, can you also give me the website address again I've wiped off all previous e'mails and forgot to write it down.
Hope all is well scott is fine he's presently in the freezer as its too f***ing hot every where else.
write soon
loadsa love and hugs
From: "Guy"
To: "Claire Radford"
Subject: Re: Congrads!
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 04:53:49
The address is www.khern.freeserve.co.uk.
speak to you soon
From: "Guy"
To: "Claire Radford"
Subject: Plenty of work-no money!
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 17:06:22
Dear Claire,
How's it going?
Things here are pretty hectic. I just set up some penguins for an exhibition in Exeter for the South Western Regional Development Agency. It's an exhibition involving selected graduates from Uni's and colleges all over the South West, all with an ecological theme, that runs from September to February.
I'm also designing a website for Mark Dunhill and Tamiko O'Brien. They're putting on an exhibition for the National Heritage or something and want a site to go with it. And I'm still trying to get more penguins off around the world!
I had an article about me in the Evening Post the other week. The weird thing was I got an e-mail from a woman in Montreal saying she'd read the article and would like to host a penguin. SPOOKY.
Anyway, what have you been up to? Are you back at school? And how's that bird of mine? Is he still in the freezer or has he been kicked out for eating all the ice-cream? To answer these questions and more please reply to - ME!
Speak to you soon,
P.S. How's Marina, I haven't seen her for ages. If you speak to her give her my e-mail address and tell her to write. See ya.
From: "Guy"
To: "Claire Radford"
Subject: Hello there
Date: Monday, October 30, 2000 4:32 PM
Dear Claire,
How's it going? I'm fine here though I did have to go through the graduation farce last week but it wasn't that bad.
I'm just trying to get all this penguin stuff back on the road with an adventure to Alaska (in a school) and hopefully(???) a visit to the North Pole with the American government.
I still have to pay bills, I'm trying to avoid getting kicked out of my flat, my girlfriend has gone travelling around the world for a year and I have no money. Apart from that life is boring! At least I've still got my health (he says lighting up another cigarette).
How's my penguin doing? Has he come out of the freezer yet? Are you doing anything with him at the moment and if so have you got any photos or info? What are you doing at the moment? Are you busy? When are you back in Bristol? Are you getting pissed off with people asking you questions? You may reply in stages as long as you reply.
I think I'll go now and let you ponder your answers. Anyway, take care of yourself and Scott and write soon. See ya
From: "Claire Radford"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Re: Guy & the paper penguin family sent you a Yahoo! Greeting
Date: Sunday, December 17, 2000 3:23 AM
Hi Guy,
How is everything? Thanks loads for the X'mas card. All is well here I'm bloody knackered though . Too much work on .
Scott is still well, he guards the workshop at night and is very loyal!
I saw this book with loads of penguins placed in various places in it in this shop the other day - Anything to do with you ( I couldn't open it it was in Celephane but the writer definately wasn't you)
Anyway , have a wicked Christmas,
Speak to you soon
From: "Guy"
To: "Claire Radford"
Subject: Howdy
Date: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 5:30 PM
Hi Claire,
How are things in Hong Kong? I hope the school is ticking along nicely and that you are still enjoying it. I hope Scott is behaving himself. Do you still take him into school with you or has he been resigned to a shelf somewhere?
I've had a number of schools around the world asking me about my penguins and the one's I've sent them to have virtually altered the curriculum to accommodate.
This project seems to be turning into quite an educational one. I have one in a school in Alaska and am about to send one off to a school in Massachusetts. Another has been sent to Hawaii and there is one waiting, in Seattle, to hop on a ship to the North Pole. I've also just had one go penguin-watching in the South Pole and Antarctica with Nick Park of Aardman Animation.
I'm off myself on a world(ish) trip. I'm going to Australia, New Zealand, Rarotonga and then back via LA. Unfortunately I couldn't get Hong Kong, Hawaii or Alaska included in the ticket (let alone the North Pole). Hopefully that will be another trip.
I am leaving at the beginning of April and will be away for about 6 months. Don't worry because I'll be providing everyone with an alternative address for them to send any correspondence so that I can update the site while I'm away. I've also got somebody to manage the site in case there's any problems at my end. This project is truly global now!
Please keep me up to date with things in Hong Kong and how Scott is fairing and let me know when you're back in the UK.
Speak to you soon
From: "Claire Radford"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Re: Howdy
Date: Thursday, February 08, 2001 10:24 AM
Hi guy,
Sounds like you have got yourself well sorted! Pity you couldn't pay a trip to Hong Kong but nevertheless I'm glad to here it's all going really well perhaps i should spread the penguin word around the schools here.
All is well here apart from the fact i am still waiting for my fella to get his work visa and time is running out but we'll work something out.
As for work - well we struggle onward i've been doing allsorts of crap as well as the art teaching so i keep myself busy. plan to go to England in August for a month. Let me know where you'll be!
anyway - Please keep in touch i hope that one day i can put a name to the face !
love and hugs
Claire radders