Rotterdam, The Netherlands
DOB - 11/00
VITAL STATS - 12" x 4.5" x 5" -310g
LOCATION - Rotterdam, The Netherlands
INTERESTS - Reading, Politics, White-water rafting, Kendo
MUSIC - Ricky Martin, Alice Cooper, Rimsky Korsakov
FAV SONG - I Don't Wanna Rock DJ - Robbie Williams
Penne was sent off to Rotterdam on the 22nd of February, 2001. She has gone to stay with Gerard and Angelique Peet and their two daughters Juliette (7 at the time) and Suzanne (8 at the time).
Gerard was a member of Rotterdam City Council and Rotterdam (along with Porto, Portugal) was 2001's Cultural Capital of Europe.
Gerard has been collecting penguin paraphernalia for more than 20 years and published the Concise Rotterdam Penguin Encyclopedia in 2003 (sold out). The book documents all types of penguins from fact and fiction.
Penne has been resting for some years but is keen on starting out for new adventures. Her skin is peeling of slightly, but being over 10 years old that should be no surprise. It won’t hold her back though!
Penne's Gallery 1
![]() Penne-3.jpg | ![]() Penne-2.jpg | ![]() Penne-4.jpg |
![]() Penne-1.jpg | ![]() ATT00032.jpg | ![]() ATT00029.jpg |
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![]() DSC00257.jpg | ![]() pinguinENCYCLOPEDIE2.jpg | ![]() DSC00463.JPG |
![]() DSC00464.JPG |
Penne's Gallery 2
![]() Penne and friends 19 September 2011.JPG | ![]() Penne 19 September 2011.JPG | ![]() 20110925 5 public.JPG |
![]() 20110925 4 piano.JPG | ![]() 20110925 2 looking at Amsterdams first s | ![]() 20110925 1 off to Amsterdam.JPG |
![]() 20110925 3 drums.JPG |
Email Correspondence
From: "J.G.M. Peet"
To: Guy Wooles
Subject: Paper penguins to Rotterdam?
Date: Thursday, February 01, 2001 7:37 PM
Dear Guy,
Strolling the internet I stumbled upon your site as the third arts-project dealing with penguins traveling the world, but the project I would like to get involved in somehow.
My question to you is: what do I have to do to make you send me a penguin?
It is clear to me that you want me to report the adventures here to you and I am quite prepared to do that.
Should I also send you Rotterdam newspapers to make one? Could it be namend Juliette? Why do I ask you this.
First, I really like the idea. But I have more opportunity-related-reasons:
1. I have been collecting penguin-stuff for the past 20 years or so and have always dreamt of making the complete book-of-penguins. I have now started to do precisely that. The working title of the book is The Concise Rotterdam Penguin Encyclopedia. Part of the book will be natural and other history of the 'real' penguin. The rest will really be an encyclopedia with (at present) some 70 entries (Monthy Python's penguins, If......, Fleetwood Mac, Batman, Penguin Cafe Orchestra, Opus, Pingu, Penguin Publishers, Dance, Music, Poetry, Songs, Maori legend, etc.etc.) and Art will be a major issue. The three traveling penguin projects I know will be included under the entry "World travelers". And I would like to include your penguisn in there as well, preferably with a photograph of her in a typical Rotterdam location (it is after all a Rotterdam Penguin Encyclopedia). I hope to be able to publish the book in March or April 2002.
2. I am a member of the Rotterdam City Council (and did so with an environmentalist background). Rotterdam is this year's Cultural Capital of Europe (together with Porto in Portugal). One of the Cultural Capital activities will be that members of the City Council will choose a piece of art from their own house (collection is too heavy a word for us simple politicians) that will be put together in an exhibition in the City Hall. I would love to be able to put your paper penguin in that exposition; that would provide a beautiful story in Rotterdam but also for your project (and who knows, your project might then benefit from it again).
Would you be willing to go along with this?
What would be your conditions?
I look foward to hearing from you (or better, I hope to be hearing from you),
best regards,
Gerard Peet
PS I am serious! Why Juliette? That's the name of my seven year old daughter.
From: "J.G.M. Peet"
To: Guy
Subject: Paper penguins to Rotterdam? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Date: Monday, February 05, 2001 9:12 PM
Dear Guy,
In addition to my e-mail dated 1 February, I can already add the following.
1. I have been in touch with a French group that also sends their penguins around the world, and they are willing to come to Rotterdam (with some conditions that I have to sort out). Wouldn't it be nice to have your paper penguin meet those?
Other adventures your paper penguin could get involved in are: -the opening of an exhibition in our Natural History Museum about the collections of a major penguin-fanatic and author in the Netherlands (he collects more than just penguins, he's also interested in dodo's among other things) -the opening of the brand-new penguin enclosure in our zoo.
Anyway, your paper penguin wouldn't get bored over here.
Look forward to your reaction,
best regards,
Gerard Peet
From: "Guy"
To: "Gerard Peet"
Subject: Paper Penguins in Rotterdam
Date: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 10:17 PM
Dear Gerard,
Thanks for your e-mails. It's nice to get responses from people who already have an idea of what to do with one of my feathered children.
Yes, it would be great to have a penguin in Rotterdam and to have her do all the things you wrote of in your messages. I have a young penguin here who has put her wing up to go and visit you. Her name is Penne (Penny) and she is 12 inches tall. If you like you can call her Penne-Juliette, she says she doesn't mind.
Strangely I don't have any penguins in Europe so it would be great to have her go to Europe's Cultural Capital City. If you could send me your full address then I will endeavour to have her packed and ready to go within the next week or so.
Have you heard of the song "Penguins" by Lyle Lovett? I've added the lyrics just in case you would like them for your Concise Rotterdam Penguin Encyclopaedia.
I hope you enjoy your paper penguin visitor and look after her well - they're an extremely rare breed! I'll speak to you soon
All the best
PS what other penguin travellers do you know of?
From: "J.G.M. Peet"
To: "'Guy'"
Subject: RE: Paper Penguins in Rotterdam
Date: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 2:01 PM
Dear Guy,
You made my day! Thanks for your reaction and for being prepared to sending a penguin to me. If her name is Penne, then her name is Penne and I'll find another one somewhere for Juliette.
My address:
Gerard Peet
The other traveling penguins.
The first I found were in a book called Joe and Sally, a long way from home by Willy Puchner, published by Penguin books (of course)
The third I found (you came second) were penguins from France: www.arobask.com/ping
I have already established contact with them and if all goes well they will be coming to Rotterdam too.
I still have to find a way to contact mr. Puchner and Joe and Sally, but will do so.
Since I came up with the title for my book (Concise Rotterdam Penguin Encyclopedia) things have turned around: the title forces itself upon the contents of the book. It is, of course, the addition of Rotterdam in the title that has made me think of how I can make that title come through. Things may develop into a wider project called "Penguin Village" now that is a stand-alone project with the travelling penguins, but that will get a proper report in the book.
"Penguin Village", of course, stands for Rotterdam. I did not invent that. Two weeks ago the Cultural Capital of Europe got its official kick-off (with our queen present). Part of the programme was a jazz-band brought together especially for the Cultural Capital of Europe events. The second number they played was called "Penguin Village".
In the project "Penguin village" I want to try to bring together travelling penguins (the three you now know of) and the Rotterdam penguins. Hence the combination with the zoo and the Natural History Museum. The music. And some new penguin works of art of local artists that are being made now (one of them also being a member of the city council). Plus a work of art in the sculpture garden of our big art museum (a group of sculptures with Athena in the centre surrounded by, amongst others, three penguins).
I do now know yet how it will turn out and whether it will really come about. But i'm going to try.
I did not know Lyle Lovett's song; thanks for sending me the lyrics and it will be in!
Did you know Frank Zappa did a song too: Penguin in Bondage (album Roxy & Elsewhere) and Cab Calloway: Penguin Swing (on a CD in the series Archives of Jazz)
Best regards, and I'll have a room ready for Penne,
Gerard Peet
PS I'll keep you posted on the progress of things. And if Pinguin Village really develops into something I'll see whether it might be useful for you to come over briefly (if I can organize the money for that) (and if you would like to of course).
From: "Guy"
To: "J.G.M. Peet"
Subject: Re: While waiting for Penne, questions, questions
Date: Thursday, February 08, 2001 11:57 PM
Dear Gerard,
It's great to hear that your children are looking forward to meeting Penne.
Unfortunately I don't know Nick Park. I contacted Aardman regarding sponsorship and funding and the managing director's PA contacted me about their trip to the South Pole. So I haven't actually met either of them. I hope that I will some day. I'm not even sure that I should be mentioning the names Aardman or Nick Park on my site because I haven't been given permission to! Oops! I do however have some recollection of penguins in the ads he did for British Gas.
As to Ted Brattstrom, I'm sure he wouldn't mind you contacting him. It might be best contacting him through his website. The address should be on the links page of my site. I can't remember it at the moment but this is how I contacted him in the beginning.
Why did I choose penguins?
Well it all started as another project that I had in mind in University. This project involved larger animals, such as lions, to be made using a frame skeleton of some sort and then covered with mud and leaves to be sited within a forest. People exploring the forest would come across a pride of lions sculpted out of mud and leaves in the middle of nowhere. This group would eventually decay through the passing of time. I tried many materials to make the initial skeleton but by far the best was newspaper tightly rolled into 'sticks' that could be easily bent into shape (the material had to be biodegradable).
To get used to working with this material I started making penguin skeletons because they are small and simple (simplicity has always been important to my work). The problem was that I had difficulty keeping them to a uniform size so I made a solid one as a guide out of rolled and sculpted newspaper and sellotape. And, as they say, the rest is history. It's been the best decision that I've made in a long, long time. Since then I've come to love and be fascinated by penguins.
One of my friends believes that there was some subconscious reason for my choosing penguins and I'm sure she's right. Kismet, I reckon (but without Howard Keel!).
Take care of yourself and your family and feel free to ask any more questions.
I'll speak to you soon.
PS Yes, I have thought about turning this into a book but I think there's a lot more material to gather before then. Cheers.
From: "Guy"
To: "Gerard Peet"
Subject: Penne
Date: Sunday, February 18, 2001 11:46 PM
Don't worry, I haven't forgotten, I've just been going through a period of laziness. I hope to send Penne off this week. I just need to make her travelling hat!
Speak to you soon
From: "Guy"
To: "Gerard Peet"
Subject: Incoming
Date: Thursday, February 22, 2001 11:03 PM
Dear Gerard,
Good news, I finally got round to making Penne's travelling suit and I posted her off today. So hopefully she should be with you in a few days. I didn't get the chance to photograph her in her travelling outfit so if you have a spare shot in your camera could you take a picture of her before you take her outfit off.
Let me know when she arrives.
Speak to you soon
From: "J.G.M. Peet"
To: "'Guy'"
Subject: There will be a welcoming committee and cheers RE: Incoming
Date: Friday, February 23, 2001 8:04 AM
Dear Guy,
We're looking forward to her arrival. And do I have plans for her! But whether these plans will all work out? You'll see. If all goes well she'll meet the penguins from France (www.arobask.com/ping) sometime in June/July; they have agreed to come, but I have to sort out traveling costs.
You'll hear from us!
Best regards,
From: "J.G.M. Peet"
To: "'Guy'"
Subject: safe and sound arrival
Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 7:25 PM
Dear Guy,
Penne has arrived this evening, just as we were having our deserts. I did manage to photograph the mailman when he handed her over, but that confused the mailman and he was adament that he did not want to go on the internet.
Once the picture is ready I'll mail it to you anyway, but beware; don't put him on the internet in a way that he can be recognized.
Juliette, my youngest daughter (7), immediately took possession of this new arrival in our family: she fed her some mango (but I am not sure whether Penne appreciated that) and made her a nice and warm bed.
We had to make a schedule where Penne sleeps the coming days; tomorrow in Juliette's room, the day after that in Suzanne's room (8).
As the trip was rather exhausting and given the time-difference Penne's now sound asleep. Tomorrow she'll meet the other penguin artifacts in our house. And as soon as there are digitalized pictures, I'll send them.
Thanks for sending her over and allowing her to stay here.
I'll do our best to make it worth while.
Best regards,
Gerard Peet
From: "J.G.M. Peet"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Penne
Date: Friday, March 09, 2001 8:49 AM
Dear Guy,
Penne is doing well but had quite a busy week.
First a day to school with Juliette, then to a violin lesson, again with Juliette, and then Suzanne had to take her to school too of course. Yes, you made something that children get wild about; the education bit has not been too well developed (yet?) over here in Rotterdam. Attached are the first pictures.
One with the mailman delivering Penne (but do not use that one on your site as the mailman was unpleasantly surprised when this photo was taken).
One with Penne still in her traveling things.
One with Penne looking at some of the works of penguin art I have in my house (on the left is a poster from a bank used for advertising about saving; in Dutch the word for saving money is the same as for collecting things).
The last one is Penne with Juliette (the little girl in the middle) at school with her teacher.
The next plans for Penne are to go our zoo's new penguin enclosure to check it out before the resident penguins arrive there, and then she will perform at the big art-exhibition of city-councillor's art in the city hall. Yet, I do not know when that's going to happen. But I'll keep you posted.
Best regards,
Gerard Peet
PS As I do not have my own scanner I had to have someone make them for me and the resolution may not be too ideal. I could send the photographs to you so you can improve on that, but need your address to do that.
From: Guy
To: Everyone
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 3:30 PM
Subject: New address
Hi guys,
Just a quick note to let you know (remind you of) my alternative address.
I will be leaving Cardiff on the 30th of March and flying on the 2nd of April.
Take care of yourselves and I'll see you later in the year.
From: "J.G.M. Peet"
To: "'paperpenguins@hotmail.com'"
Subject: questions, questions
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 12:31:28 +0200
Dear Guy,
First of all: I hope you have a great trip, but it must be with countries like that to visit.
I am writing you now hoping that you might help me with the encyclopedia. News about Penne (she says hello and is doing well; I am preparing a visit to the new penguin enclosure in the zoo, but cannot do much because of the foot and mouth disease problems: our zoo found itself faced with the option that, if foot and mouth disease is found close to the zoo, they have to kill more than 100 of their animals: European law forces them to do that than and the same European law prohibits vaccination of the animals. They are fighting that and it looks like the European Union will allow them to vaccinate after all. Still, they have other worries now than facilitating a visit by Penny) will come separately, including a brief foot and mouth disease report.
For the encyclopedia I am struggling with three questions that you might help me solve.
1. When in Australia, could you try to find out whether there are words for penguin in any of the aboriginal languages? And whether they play any role in Aboriginal culture?
2. When in New Zealand could you do the same as to the Maori culture? I am aware of at least one Maori traditional story about a penguin and an albatros, but have not been able to find that story anywhere.
3. When in New Zealand could you buy a book for me called: 'The Wreck of the Penguin' and could you mail it to me? It is an expensive book, I know that, but will pay it back to you (of course).
Best regards, and have fun,
Gerard Peet
From: "Guy Wooles"
To: "J.G.M. Peet"
Subject: Re: questions, questions
Dear Gerard,
Just a quick note to let you know that I got your message and I will do my best to find out what you want to know and I will look for that book for you as well.
Oz is great but Sydney is a little cold at the moment so I'm about to book a diving course up in Cairns. The temperature seems to be a little more to my liking up there though I shouldn't think I'll be seeing too many penguins!
I will mail you with a more detailed version of my trip so far when I get a bit more time or when it's raining!
Take care and give my love to the kids.
I hope Penne is behaving herself.
From: "J.G.M. Peet"
To: "'paperpenguins@hotmail.com'"
Subject: Penne's adventures
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001
Dear Guy,
I hope your trip is still going well; where are you now?
As for Penne, she's finally made it to the new penguin enclosure in our zoo; two days ago she was allowed to inspect the premises ahead of the arrival of the new penguins from America. Penne was impressed. Photographs will follow. Some weeks ago she went to visit two local artists working on penguin works of art for my collection. Again, photographs will follow.
Penne has now left my house and will stay at the city hall for a couple of weeks to look after a painting ("Penguins in Rotterdam") that will be on exhibition there for a couple of weeks together with works of art from the 'collections' of members of the city council. The exhibition will open 14 June and I will keep you informed on that one. It is all part of Rotterdam being the Cultural Capital of Europe this year (together with Porto in Portugal).
Best regards,
Gerard Peet