Canadian Forces Station (CFS) Alert
Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
Also the North Pole
DOB - 11/00
VITAL STATS - 13" x 6" x 6" - 425g
LOCATION - Uni. of Washington, Seattle, then onto the North Pole. 2011-Canadian Forces Station Alert
INTERESTS - Meteorology, ecology, line dancing.
MUSIC - The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Slipknot.
FAV SONG - Paperback Writer - The Beatles.
Ferdinand the penguin left Wales on Saturday the 18th of November, 2000.
Ferdinand will become a research assistant for Jamie Morison who works for the Polar Science Centre at the University of Washington in Seattle.
From Seattle Ferdinand travelled to the North Pole to begin important environmental research. This part of the journey will began in March, 2001.
Further information on the work that Jamie and his colleagues do can be found at http://psc.apl.washington.edu/northpole/, this site is updated so often that it is virtually real-time information.
Ferdinand was featured in the February 9th edition of the APL Newsletter, to view that newsletter you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Ferdinand is currently living at Canadian Forces Station Alert. Canadian Forces Station (CFS) Alert is the most northerly, permanently inhabited location in the world, located only 817 kilometres from the geographic North Pole. CFS Alert is situated on the north eastern tip of Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago in the territory of Nunavut.
It is found at 82° 30' North latitude, and 62° 19' West longitude.
Ferdinand's Gallery
![]() ferdi1.jpg | ![]() ferdi4.jpg | ![]() ferdi3.jpg |
![]() ferdi2.jpg | ![]() thisonecanfly.jpg | ![]() thechef.jpg |
![]() inspectinghydroholeplug.jpg | ![]() inspectingbuoy.jpg | ![]() installbuoy2.jpg |
![]() installingbuoyatnorthpole.jpg | ![]() installingbuoy3.jpg |
Ferdinand's Gallery
![]() IMG_2383[1].JPG | ![]() IMG_2382[1].JPG | ![]() IMG_2384[1].JPG |
![]() IMG_2385[1]_edited.jpg | ![]() IMG_2386[1]_edited.jpg | ![]() IMG_2387[1]_edited.jpg |
![]() IMG_2388[1]_edited.jpg | ![]() FERD1.jpg | ![]() IMG_2.jpg |
![]() IMG_4.jpg | ![]() IMG_5.jpg | ![]() IMG_8.jpg |
![]() IMG_9.jpg | ![]() IMG_11.jpg | ![]() IMG_12.jpg |
![]() IMG_13.jpg |
Email Correspondence
From: "Guy"
To: "James Morison"
Subject: Penguin project
Date: Thursday, September 14, 2000 10:53 PM
Dear James,
My name is Guy Wooles and I have just recently graduated from the University of the West of England, Bristol, in Fine Art in Context (BA Hons). Since October 1999 I have been working with penguins, not the feathered kind but the paper kind, exploring conservation and wildlife protection issues. My final year project (and one that I am determined to continue with) involves sending sculpted paper penguins around the world to document different lifestyles and cultures.
The first penguin to go travelling was Dennis. Dennis is currently assisting Dave Houston, a ranger for the Department of Conservation in New Zealand, and has been there since last October and shows no sign of wanting to come home (I don’t blame him it’s chucking it down outside).
Since Dennis there have been numerous penguin adventures including Hong Kong, New York, Canada and Bristol Zoo. All these ‘residencies’ have been compiled and presented on a website that I created specifically for this work.
My intentions are to raise awareness to the issues that can be found within the work such as conservation, waste and wildlife protection. I want to approach them using humour, not with a wagging finger, as I believe that humour is far more effective especially with children.
I wish to establish a network of ‘paper penguin’ residencies (not necessarily permanent) around the world in locations of conservation, ecological and educational importance, that will send back documentation (in the form of e-mail) and photographs. The information of each penguin's experiences of the culture and lifestyle of their location would then be published on the website.
The reason I am writing to you (as you've probably guessed) is to ask whether you would be willing to take one of these penguins for a short while or know of somebody who would? I have been trying to get a penguin to the North Pole for quite a while now because, I understand, this is one cold area that hasn't been conquered by penguin-kind. I also think that it would make an interesting residency to be documented on my website.
My penguins are very well behaved (well, usually), rarely moult and are completely house-trained.
Information on my work so far can be found on the website www.khern.freeserve.co.uk. At the moment the website is under review because it was set up as part of my final year project and needs to be redesigned due to the progress of the work. As far as I know this art work is unique (nobody else is as disturbed) and has great potential. If you have any questions or want to contact the university regarding my work please don’t hesitate to ask.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you for your time.
Guy Wooles
From: "Jamie"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Re: Penguin project
Date: Thursday, September 14, 2000 11:55 PM
Dear Guy,
These penguins sound just like the kind of research assistants we have been looking for. I presume they are lightweight and eat nothing, ideal from a logistics standpoint. I'll check with our logistics department.
Education and outreach are important to our North Pole Environmental Observatory program and it sounds like your web site would reach an age group that would find our web site* a bit dry. When can we get a look at your site?
Jamie Morison
From: "Guy"
To: "James Morison"
Subject: Paper Penguins
Date: Friday, September 15, 2000 1:27 PM
Dear Jamie,
Thanks for your reply.
I spend hours researching people and places to send my penguins and, unfortunately, it's not reflected in the replies I get. So, as you can imagine, it was quite a pleasure to receive your message.
My site is currently available at www.khern.freeserve.co.uk. The site address will hopefully be changing to 'paperpenguins.co.uk' or 'paperpenguins.com' in the not-too-distant future**.
It is still in the 'arts student' format and will shortly be updated to the 'professional conservation arts' format. This format doesn't reflect the current status of the work but, hopefully, with your support it will grow into a far more serious and informative piece of conservation art - though I do want to keep the humour element.
My penguins are no more than 18 inches tall and weigh between 1-1.5 kilos. Let me know what you think and any ideas you might already have for your penguin.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes
** It only took 11 years!!! - Guy x
From: "Guy"
To: "James Morison"
Subject: Penguins
Date: Thursday, October 26, 2000 4:36 PM
Dear Jamie,
Sorry for not contacting you for a while but things have been getting pretty hectic here. I assume that you have viewed my site and I hope that it's current content hasn't put you off.
My intention is to create a site that is fun and educational as well as being environmentally informative. The penguins give an insight into different cultures and lifestyles around the world and will hopefully raise awareness of the fragility of life and the need to educate people to protect it. The site at the moment is not focussed enough and needs to be more committed to the issues that it was designed for. This is what I have been working towards recently - to involve more people like Dave Houston (ranger for the Department of Conservation in Oamaru, New Zealand).
Throughout the coming months I hope to send more penguins off to relevant hosts thus developing the site into a far more educational and environmentally friendly body of work. The hosts will be encouraged to use the site to bring attention to the work or issues that they are involved in - from a penguin's perspective, obviously.
I hope you are still keen to take one of my ever so friendly and cute penguins. I think it is important to have a section that describes the work you are involved in and for you to raise issues that you think are important to us all. This would give people, especially children, an opportunity to see what other organisations are doing - a glimpse into a different culture or way of life that ultimately affects us all.
What you do with your penguin is entirely up to you and I am happy to go along with what you decide. The last thing I want is for the penguin to be a pain in the butt. This is what the project is all about - as little interference from me as possible thereby getting a true record of the work you are heavily involved in. All I ask is that you record the experiences of the penguin and keep me updated as to his or her progress and any additional information that you think is important and/or educational.
I hope that the information I have given is what you need and that you will agree to take an eager penguin 'under your wing' as your research assistant. Please let me know when you would like me to start packing the penguin suitcases.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
All the best
Guy Wooles
BA (Hons)
From: "James Morison"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Re: Penguins
Date: Friday, November 03, 2000 1:15 AM
We will be going up to the Pole in late March. You should send one of the Penguins to me here at PSC well before that so he can be packed for shipping, sorry he can't fly commercial, but it beats walking I suppose.
We will get him out to the Pole and take some digital photos for your web site. Our web site http://psc.apl.washington.edu/northpole/ has near real time information and should be a perfect link for your site.
We can also put a penguin photo on our site with a link to his "home office".
Now a delicate and serious question: With all due respect, will the Penguin be needing round trip travel arrangements or is he prepared to take up permanent residence at the Pole station?
From: "Guy"
To: "James Morison"
Subject: Polar penguin
Date: Thursday, November 09, 2000 3:29 PM
Dear Jamie,
At this very moment I have a penguin frantically going through his room looking for things to pack into the rucksack for the journey.
Don't worry about his mode of transport to the Pole, most of my penguins prefer to travel by sea, they're not very good flyers you see!
Round trip travel is not necessary. What you think is best for the penguin is fine by me. You might decide that he is capable enough to permanently reside at the North Pole - to conduct further research, obviously. Or you may like to take him on as your personal research assistant back in Washington - the decision is yours. Let's cross that bridge when we come to it.
I will be sending the lucky penguin within the next week or so and should take about five to eight days to reach you. So if you could give me your address your new research penguin will be winging it's way to you in the next week or two.
Speak to you soon.
Take care
From: "James Morison"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Re: Polar penguin
Date: Monday, November 13, 2000 9:57 PM
Send him to me at the address below.
Polar Science Center
Applied Physics lab,
Univ. of Washington
1013 NE 40th St
WA 98105
From: "Guy"
To: "James Morison"
Subject: Ferdinand the penguin
Date: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 3:06 PM
Dear Jamie,
Just a quick note to let you know that your new research assistant, Ferdinand, is winging his way over to you at this very moment and should be with you at the weekend.
If you could let me know when he arrives so that I know he got there safely that would be great. I hope he'll be there in good time so as not to miss the boat.
I hope everything is good with you and that you've done all your Christmas shopping.
If you get a chance (or the time) would it be possible for you to show Ferdinand around the University and introduce him to all the work you've been doing because I know he (and I for that matter) would be very interested to see what an important job you do. Piccys would be great too, if possible.
All the best.
Speak to you soon,
From: "James Morison"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Re: Ferdinand the penguin
Date: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 5:24 PM
Dear Guy,
Ferdinand arrived yesterday. He isn't out of his traveling clothes yet but is already very popular with the important women of the Applied Physics Lab. He will get the VIP treatment while waiting for his trip north. We will keep ypu posted. Could you remind our APL Newsletter editor, Dian Gay, and me of your Web address? (just reply to all)
From: "Guy"
To: "James Morison"
Cc: ; ;
Subject: Ferdinand
Date: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 11:23 PM
Hi Jamie and the team,
Glad to hear that the old boy has arrived safely. I hope you liked his space age thermals. I think I got a bit carried away - I was listening to Pink Floyd at the time, maybe that was why!
Anyway, the website address is www.khern.freeserve.co.uk
Speak to you soon,
Take care
From: "Peggy Hartman"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Re: Ferdinand
Date: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 12:15 AM
Hi Guy,
Pink Floyd? Cool. I hope it was Dark Side of the Moon, my all-time PF favorite.
I fondly remember the days of my youth, turning the volume on my record player (remember those?) to 11 (shades of Spinal Tap).
We like Ferdinand and will give him a good home here in Seattle until he goes north. In fact, I have a couple of furry little companions to keep him company while he's here.
Also, my husband is a musician so perhaps I can take Ferdinand to a gig to go dancing (good partners are hard to find).
Peggy Hartman
Polar Science Center
From: "Guy"
To: "Peggy Hartman"
Subject: Ferdinand & Floyd
Date: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 12:22 PM
Dear Peggy,
It was, indeed, Dark Side of the Moon.
I'm sure Ferdinand would love to party, anytime, any place, anywhere.
My penguins do have a reputation for liking copious amount of beer! It must be the Welsh in them. My fault, I'm afraid.
Keep me posted.
Speak to you soon
Take care
From: "Guy"
To: "James Morison"
Cc: "Peggy Hartman" ; "Dian"
Subject: First Aid
Date: Friday, December 01, 2000 12:55 AM
Just a quick note to say that if Ferdinand should fall over or graze himself then the application of some sellotape with a little loving care should suffice.
From: "James Morison"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Re: First Aid
Date: Friday, December 01, 2000 4:49 PM
Well I don't know, the Arctic standard is Duct (usually pronounced Duck) Tape. Can we call sellotape, Penguin Tape?
From: "Guy"
To: "James Morison"
Subject: Re: First Aid
Date: Friday, December 01, 2000 11:18 PM
Unfortunately Ferdinand is allergic to Duct (Duck) tape but Penguin tape will do fine.
Is it too late to put him forward for President? He should win on personality alone! I also know that he loathes cigars.
I was going to put him up for the next election here, but his superior IQ ruled him out.
From: "James Morison"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Re: First Aid
Date: Monday, December 04, 2000 7:09 PM
Well, I wouldn't have believed it, but apparently it is never too late to run for President.
My lawyers are filing suit today asserting that the dimpled chads are really supposed to be write in votes for me.
I am sorry though, in spite of his charm and intelligence, Ferdinand can't be President. It is the one office for which being born in the US is a qualification.
From: "Jamie Morison"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Re: Ferdinand
Date: Friday, December 22, 2000 5:57 PM
Here are some Christmas presents for you and all Ferdinand's well-read penguin friends. They are:
1) Ferdinand arrives at PSC.
2) Ferdinand with Roger Andersen(left) and North Pole Environmental Observatory Logistics manager Andy Heiberg. Andy is entering Ferdinand in the deployment timetable.
3) Ferdinand thinking about the schedule as Andy puts him down for long hours.
4) Ferdinand at an NPEO with American and Japanese colleagues.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
- Jamie and Ferdinand
Polar Science Center Applied Physics lab,
Univ. of Washington
1013 NE 40th St
WA 98105
From: "Guy"
To: Jamie Morison
Subject: Ferdinand's pics
Date: Thursday, January 04, 2001 2:42 AM Dear Jamie and co,
Thanks a lot for the photos. They were great and I've already put them on the website.
What on earth did your Japanese colleagues think of it all. They must think we're all mad and I think they're probably right. But what the hell, I understand it's boring being sane.
I hope you all had a good festive season and experienced the new year celebrations to the full - I know I sure did (well, I think I did).
I noticed that Ferdinand has kept his boots on, which is probably a good idea as he does suffer a little from Athletes Foot, not to mention smelly feet. If it gets too bad you can apply a little of that foot powder you get from chemists (drugstore, I believe). But, I'm afraid, there's not much you can do for the smelly problem!
Take care of yourselves and I look forward to hearing from you soon,
All the best and 'y blwyddyn newydd dda' (that's happy new year in Welsh)
From: "Guy"
To: "James Morison"
Cc: "Roger" ; "Heiberg" ; "Dian" ; "Peggy Hartman"
Subject: Penguin call
Date: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 5:47 PM
Dear Jamie,
How are all you mad, crazy-haired scientists in Seattle? I hope you're not too busy. I should think you're preparing for your Polar expedition by now. Don't forget to pack the toothbrushes! Or, more importantly, plenty of toilet paper!
Have you sent Ferdinand off on his boat yet or have you made him hitch-hike? He might have a few problems seeing as though he has no thumbs. But then again you are all scientists, maybe you could genetically engineer him a few - one is never enough!
I've had a number of schools around the world asking me about my penguins and the one's I've sent them to have virtually altered the curriculum to accommodate. This project seems to be turning into quite an educational one.
I have one in a school in Alaska, one in Hawaii and am about to send one off to a school in Massachusetts. I've also just had one go penguin-watching in the South Pole and Antarctica with Nick Park of Aardman Animation.
I'm off myself on a world(ish) trip. I'm going to Australia, New Zealand, Rarotonga and then back via LA. Unfortunately I couldn't get Hawaii, Alaska or the North Pole included in the ticket. Hopefully that will be another trip. I am leaving at the beginning of April and will be away for about 6 months.
Don't worry because I'll be providing everyone with an alternative address for them to send any correspondence so that I can update the site while I'm away. I've also got somebody to manage the site in case there's any problems at my end. This project is truly global now!
Let me know if there's anything I can do or put on my website for you.
Speak to you soon.
Take care
From: "James Morison"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Re: Penguin call
Date: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 3:54 PM
Sounds great. Ferdinand is on my table waiting to go. I hear he will be featured in an upcoming article in the APL Newsletter. We'll keep you posted.
Do you have the link to our North Pole Web site?
From: "Dian L. Gay"
To: "Guy"
Cc: "James Morison"
Subject: Ferdinand
Date: Friday, February 09, 2001 6:24 PM
Dear Guy,
I have attached APL's Newsletter which contains an article on Ferdinand. I will try to forward the picture files to you as well with some appropriate captions. I don't think I will be able to send you the individual picture files until next week though.
Dian Gay
From: "Guy"
To: "James Morison"
Cc: "Roger" ; "Peggy Hartman" ; "Heiberg" ; "Dian"
Subject: Knee trembler
Date: Friday, March 02, 2001 1:13 PM Hi Jamie,
I just thought I'd send a quick note to find out if you guys are allright following the earthquake? I hope you were all safely tucked away inside your quake-proof bunkers.
Anyway let me know how you all are.
Take care
From: "Andy Heiberg"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Re: Knee trembler
Date: Friday, March 02, 2001 5:49 PM, Hello Guy:
It was scary but we are all ok. Jamie is currently in Svalbard and is reading e-mail under ******************.
From: "James Morison"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Re: Knee trembler
Date: Thursday, March 15, 2001 9:12 PM Guy,
Yep everyone is OK. I was actually off in Svalbard on another project, our penguin partner left for the Pole on Monday packed safely in a trunk. We will be meeting him in Alert in a couple of weeks.
Keep you posted.
- Jamie
FromJames Morison
Date14 September 2011
ToGuy Wooles
CCJim Milne, Wendy Ermold, Andy Heiberg, Jamie Morison
SubjectRe: Paper Penguin Project
Nice to hear from you after all these years. Last I saw our penguin, Ferdinand, he was hanging out in Jim Milne's building at Canadian Forces Station Alert, but it has been 3 years since I was there. Wendy Ermold, who was there this last spring has seen him so many times she can't recall if she saw him this year. Maybe Jim will know if Ferdinand is still watching over his stuff.
Jamie Morison
FromMilne, Jim
Date14 September 2011
To'James Morison', Guy Wooles
CCWendy Ermold, Andy Heiberg, Jamie Morison
SubjectRe: Paper Penguin Project
Yes, Ferdinand is definitely at Alert. I can’t locate any pictures but, He is atop the refrigerator and doing just fine. Let me know if you want anything done with him.
FromJames Morison
Date14 September 2011
ToMilne, Jim
CCGuy Wooles, Wendy Ermold, Andy Heiberg, Jamie Morison
SubjectRe: Paper Penguin Project
Thanks, Jim I'll see if I can locate a picture of him in Alert. You don't get back there until next spring right? - Jamie
FromMilne, Jim
Date14 September 2011
ToJames Morison
CCGuy Wooles, Wendy Ermold, Andy Heiberg, Jamie Morison
SubjectRe: Paper Penguin Project
No, not before March but, I could have Environment Canada send it to you, if you like.
FromGuy Wooles
Date15 September 2011
ToMilne, Jim
CCJames Morison, Wendy Ermold, Andy Heiberg, Jamie Morison
SubjectRe: Paper Penguin Project
Hi Jim,
I'm not asking for him back, he's his own penguin, so he can do what he wishes.
I'm restarting the Paper Penguin Project so it would be great if somebody could have some fun with him up there. If there are any environmental issues, or whatever, you would like to highlight then we can use Ferdinand and the Paper Penguins website to raise them. Or we could just have some fun with him. What do you say??
Thanks alot for getting back to me so quickly, I really appreciate it.
I look forward to hearing from you and Jamie.
Oh, by the way, you don't know anyone at the South Pole do you???
FromMilne, Jim
Date20 September 2011
ToGuy Wooles
CCJames Morison
SubjectRe: Paper Penguin Project
Hi Guy,
I’ll make him available to all of our science groups at Alert. No, I have no Antarctic contacts.