Somewhere in New Orleans, USA
DOB - 10/11
VITAL STATS - 34cm x 20cm x 12cm
LOCATION - Penarth, Wales
On Monday 7th November, 2011, I waved Polly off at the Post Office where she was beginning her long journey to New Orleans to work at the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas. She was meant to be be joining Tricia LeBlanc, the Director of Education and Volunteers. She hasn't been heard from since!
Polly's Gallery
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Email Correspondence
FromGuy Wooles
Date19 October 2011
SubjectPaper Penguin Project
My name is Guy Wooles and I’m an artist and designer based in Wales. Twelve years ago I set up the Paper Penguin Project as a final year piece of work for my degree in Fine Art in Context. The project was designed to be a fun and interesting as well as educational but sadly it has lain dormant for a few years so now I've decided to reinvigorate the site and get it up and running again.
I am planning to provide educational and conservation information on the site as well as a page for penguin/wildlife related worksheets for educational establishments as well as individuals. So if there's anything you think I might include on the site or you have any ideas or information I can use I would appreciate your suggestions.
If you would like to take part in the project by taking one of my penguins and documenting its experiences with you it could be an interesting and fun way to show people the work that you do. Also you could use it as a vehicle to raise issues that you are currently dealing with. I'm hoping the Project could also be away of bringing different zoos and organisations together to share information and ideas.
I assume this is the first you have heard of the Paper Penguin Project so all the information can be found on the site for you to decide whether you would like to get involved in the project.
I have had penguins at the North Pole, New Zealand and Hong Kong – to name but a few. So they are already well travelled!
I have added your link to my site and was also hoping that you might place my link on your site. If you don’t think it appropriate this does not mean that I will remove your link.
Thank you for your time
Guy Wooles
FromTricia LeBlanc
Date26 October 2011
ToGuy Wooles
SubjectRE: Paper Penguin Project
What a fun website. I loved all the pictures folks took of their paper penguins in action. We’d be happy to be a part of this project, and look forward to receiving our penguin. It’s fine that you linked to us, but if you could list us as the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas instead of the Audubon Zoo, we’d appreciate it. The Zoo is our sister organization, but we’re the facility that has a penguin exhibit, and will be participating in the project. Please let me know what we need to do to get the ball rolling. Thanks!
Tricia LeBlanc
FromGuy Wooles
Date19 October 2011
ToTricia LeBlanc
SubjectRE: Paper Penguin Project
Hi Tricia,
Thanks for your reply and your keen enthusiasm. It's people like yourself that has made this project the success that it has been so far. Now it's time to make it bigger!!
I have a group of penguins plating a game of paper, scissors, stone, to see who will be the lucky one to visit and work with you at the Aquarium. We are all great fans of Audubon's Birds and can't wait to see what happens at the Aquarium.
If you could let me know the address for the lucky penguin to be sent to then I will pack their bag, get their coat and book the flight (well...waddle).
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
FromTricia LeBlanc
Date26 October 2011
ToGuy Wooles
SubjectRE: Paper Penguin Project
Please send our little friend to
Audubon Aquarium of the Americas
Attn: Education Dept/Tricia LeBlanc
1 Canal St.
New Orleans, LA 70130
Hopefully he’ll be able to stay with us through Mardi Gras!
Tricia LeBlanc
FromGuy Wooles
Date7th November 2011
ToTricia LeBlanc
SubjectThe Adventures of Polly the Paper Penguin
Hi Tricia,
Today I waved goodbye to Polly, who, at this very moment, is winging her way to New Orleans to be with you at the Audubon Aquarium. Hopefully, she'll be with you by the end of the week. But knowing what the postal service is like here it's anyone's guess.
You can see what she looks like in her travel suit on the website www.paperpenguins.co.uk/polly.htm.
If you could let me know that she's arrived safe and sound, that would be great.
Hope this message finds you healthy and well.
Speak to you soon
FromTricia LeBlanc
Date8 November 2011
ToGuy Wooles
SubjectRE: The Adventures of Polly the Paper Penguin
We are very excited to have Polly join us at the Aquarium, and we’ll let you know when she arrives. We’re looking forward to showing her the city and introducing her to our penguin colony. Thanks!
Tricia LeBlanc