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Edmonton, Canada

  • DOB - 03/00


  • LOCATION - Edmonton, Canada

  • INTERESTS - Rock Climbing, Skeet Shooting, Philately 

  • MUSIC - Hayzee Fantayzee, Splodgenessabounds, Charlotte Church 

  • FAV SONG - Aggadoo - Paper Lace

Mac: Image

Mac's journey was as much as a surprise for him as it was for me. We have a friend of ours, called Roger, who is a violin maker. One day Roger came round the flat to tell us that he was off to see his brother, Ian, in Edmonton, Canada and would Mac like to go with him. Obviously Mac flew at the chance (well, tried as hard as any flightless bird can) and was packing his bags before you could say 'Leopard Seal Ahoy!'
Although Roger has returned, Mac has remained in Canada travelling and visiting Ian's friends.
Ian is an artist/illustrator/writer/anything-elser who works for a publishing company focussing mostly on nature, this also allows him to be a painter too.

Mac: Text

Mac's Excellent Adventure

Mac had a great time. After a cosy flight, he went on a whirlwind tour of the province of Alberta in Canada. Below are scenes from his visit to the badlands in southern Alberta, where early spring weather shone on him. This followed a wildlife watching extravaganza in Elk Island National Park, where he cavorted with the northern likes of moose and bison. Later, a trip to the mountains for skiing, and more wildlife watching, including bald eagles, elk and bighorn sheep. A lengthy drive through the icefields high in the Rockies brought him back to Edmonton where he hung out for a month or so, until another road trip took him to Calgary to visit artist friends visiting from Penticton. I left him in Calgary to continue his journey somewhere. I think he joined Andy and Kindrie on the long trip back to the sunny Okanagan Valley. Perhaps he remains in Calgary. However, I am sure the peaches and wine of the Okanagan were enough of a draw for him to have ended up down there for the time being.

Mac: Text

Mac's Gallery















Mac: Image

Email Correspondence

From:Ian Sheldon

To:Guy Wooles

Date:Friday, May 05, 2000

Subject:Mac's excellent adventure



Mac's Excellent Adventure

Mac had a great time. After a cosy flight, he went on a whirlwind tour of the province of Alberta in Canada. Below are scenes from his visit to the badlands in southern Alberta, where early spring weather shone on him. This followed a wildlife watching extravaganza in Elk Island National Park, where he cavorted with the northern likes of moose and bison. Later, a trip to the mountains for skiing, and more wildlife watching, including bald eagles, elk and bighorn sheep. A lengthy drive through the icefields high in the Rockies brought him back to Edmonton where he hung out for a month or so, until another road trip took him to Calgary to visit artist friends visiting from Penticton. I left him in Calgary to continue his journey somewhere. I think he joined Andy and Kindrie on the long trip back to the sunny Okanagan Valley. Perhaps he remains in Calgary. However, I am sure the peaches and wine of the Okanagan were enough of a draw for him to have ended up down there for the time being.

If you would like photos or slides of Mac in the badlands, I can send you some. Just let me know!

Ian - Roger's brother

From:Guy Wooles

To:Ian Sheldon

Date:Sun, 7 May 2000

Subject:Fantastic fotos



Dear Ian
Thanks ever so much for your e-mail and photos updating me on Mac's excellent adventure. It was quite unexpected and a great surprise.
If you have more photos then that would be great. If you want you could send them to me via e-mail in jpeg format, that way I can transfer them directly onto my website. Mac will have his own page documenting his travels and any other things he gets up to.
Could you also send me some details about yourself and what you do so that I can put some information on the website also.
Roger mentioned that you are part of an eco company, am I right? If you have a website there maybe I can put a link to it on my page.
I am about to launch my website on the internet as soon as I can get my head around ftp. When I do I'll let you know my address so you can check out Mac's page.
Again, thanks for the e-mail, it would be great if you and/or your friends could keep me updated on Mac's adventures so that I can make his page an excellent one.
speak to you soon,

From:Ian Sheldon

To:Guy Wooles

Date:Sun, 07 May 2000

Subject:Re: Fantastic fotos



Hi Guy:
I am glad you liked the photos and Mac-update. I only have one
more picture, which is also from the badlands, and Mac doesnt really
show up that well. Now I wish I had taken more! Anyway, I am an
artist/illustrator/writer, and anything-elser when the contracts come
in. I have my own website, so you can find out more info about me from
my bio etc there, address is
I do a lot of work, both contract and royalty, for a publishing company
here focussing mostly on nature. And all this allows me to be a painter
too. Keep me posted about the website, I look forward to finding out
more about your activities, and any Mac-clones out there. I got the hang of ftp last year, and just recently my website has started seeing a lot of activity. I dont know how much you know about websites etc. I
basically struggled through it myself. There are a couple of things you
might you want to consider to help yours along the way. On my home page
you will find a webcounter. This is a free service, and allows my to
trace and analyze a certain number of the visits to my site. I find that really interesting. Although at the moment I am discovering that
probably about 80% of visits to my site are people looking for porn. I
guess they use the word "gallery" in the search engines, and then they
visit my gallery, and find something completely unexpected! Also, there
is a linkstoyou icon. This allows you to be discretely linked to
thousands of other people. This boosts your website rankings, and I get
a lot of visits as a result of this. Visit their website to find out how to go about it. Its quite simple, and requires monthly maintenance.
Plus, when you are up and running, I would love to have link on mine to
Bonne chance mon ami,
ps, to the best of my knowledge (havent had any updates yet), Mac is
currently in Penticton with another artist friend. She also has a
website. If you like the shapes and forms of big wildlife, check it out, some of her work is quite stunning. Its at I also have a link from my links page to hers.

From:Guy Wooles

To:Ian Sheldon

Date:Thu, 11 May 2000




Dear Ian,
I have finally managed to get online. I haven't managed to set up Mac's page yet but that will be done in the next few days. You can now see what Mac's brothers have been up to recently.
My address is
Let me know what you think.

From:Ian Sheldon

To:Guy Wooles

Date:Thu, 11 May 2000




Way to go, Guy! I love it, and its nice to meet some of Mac's relatives.
I will forward the email on to Mac's current hosts, so that they become
aware of the progress. oh yeh, and I love the apologetically-unapologetic-feel-good-artistic-comment. We can all stand up and be proud!
ps it would be nice to have a home page that isnt just about Dennis, but just welcomes you into the penguin fold, if you know what I mean.

From:Ian Sheldon


Date:Sun, 14 May 2000




Hi Guy: a friend who met Mac was just in Victoria, British Columbia, and met some possible and distant relatives of Mac. i thought you might
enjoy these images of Picatso and Salvador Dogi. I know nothing else
about them, except that they made me laugh when i saw them.

From: "Guy"
To: "Ian Sheldon"
Subject: Howdy
Date: Wednesday, July 19, 2000

Dear Ian,

Well, I have finally finished and become a BA (Hons)-what an anticlimax! Now it's back to the real world of living. Anyway, I just thought I'd write and see how you are and find out whether you had any idea where Mac was. I haven't heard from him at all and his brothers and sisters are getting worried. So if you see him can you tell him to get in contact.

At the moment I'm trying to get funding or sponsorship to continue with my penguins but so far nothing has come about. This sudden spell of fine weather doesn't help with the motivation either!

I have been asked to exhibit my penguins at an exhibition in September which could be quite beneficial but the problem is that the penguins on show will be penguins that have not been anywhere, so I have to find a way of explaining the work without the air miles!

I am at the moment trying to get together some paperwork to send to David Attenborough via a contact I have at the BBC. While I think of it, do you have any contacts near the North Pole or know of any way I can contact, directly, a Polar Research Station?

Speak to you soon,

From: "Ian Sheldon"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Re: Howdy
Date: Wednesday, July 19, 2000

Wooooah! Hi guy.

That's disturbing about Mac. I will get onto it ASAP. Congratulations on the degree thing. I have done it a couple of times now, and it gets even more anticlimactic the next time round - so be warned if you decide to do another one. I didn't even bother with the ceremony! Interesting developments regarding your penguins, shows etc. If you need the slides of Mac to get large nice prints done for the show, then let me know, I am sure I can dig them up from some dark recess somewhere and send them to you. Maybe some of these images can substitute for the real thing, in absentia and all that. I am racking my brain for contacts up north. My girlfriend is presently ensconced (don't know how to spell it but I like the word) on an island a stones throw from there, but that isn't any help I doubt. You might try the Scott Polar Research Institute in Cambridge. They are the leaders in all things polar, and from what I remember are a decent bunch, but then its been 7 years since I had any remote connection to do with them, via lecturers and stuff at Cambridge.

Right now I a trying to get some new art done for my Cambridge gallery. I would like to get 6 new watercolours done, and I have done 3, and I leave for London in 6 weeks or so, so I think 6 might be pushing it. I will be hanging around England during this time, and hopefully visiting roger for a spell too. Which makes me wonder if your show will be on then, as it would be great to check it out.... I just took part in an annual artwalk event here - lots of artists sitting on the sidewalk painting their lives away and trying to sell their wares. The first day was a complete disaster - winds pushing 70kmh, paintings flying through the sky, easels crashing down on fragile watercolours, and so on. However day 2 was better and for once people spent some money on me!

Finally! Time for me to slurp coffee and work..... Ian

From: "Andy Bezener"
To: "Guy Wooles"
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Howdy]
Date: Thursday, July 20, 2000

Dear Guy,

Sorry it has taken so long for us to get in touch with you. Mac is still with us. After Ian gave him to us, he hung out with our parents in the spring for a while in Calgary, and then drove west with us to the Okanagan Valley where we live near Penticton BC. We live in a tiny cabin in the woods next to a small creek, and Mac has been sitting looking out of the window at the trees. We are hoping to give him to a good friend who is doing an open ocean voyage from Victoria BC to San Francisco CA. He'll have to get some water proof clothes before he goes though, so we'll see.

It was very nice to meet him and we've enjoyed his stay.

Kindrie Grove & Andy Bezener

From: "Guy"
To: "Ian Sheldon"
Subject: Andy & Kindrie
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 14:17:12

How're you doing mate.
Just a quick note to say that I tried to e-mail Andy and Kindrie yesterday but it came back as undeliverable.
Do they have a new address?
Speak to you soon.

Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 08:48:09
From: Ian Sheldon
To: Guy
Subject: Re: Andy & Kindrie

Hi Guy: Try this one: ******************
They did change it a while ago, and I am quite sure this is the one I usually use.
I hope they ended up updating you on mac's antics....


From: "Guy"
To: "Andy Bezener"
Subject: Big Mac
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2000 20:15:09

Dear Andy & Kindrie
Thanks for your e-mail, sorry it's taken so long for me to reply but I've been rather busy lately (thankfully).
Amongst other things I've been trying to find more penguin hosts around the world. Unfortunately it's been going rather slowly.
What's the latest on Mac? Do you know? Did he manage to go on his voyage to San Francisco or did he lose his water-wings?
I had an e-mail from a woman in Montreal in response to an article about my penguins in the Bristol evening Post would you believe! She wrote offering Mac a bed (or nest) for a few days with her and her school kids. I wrote back saying that I didn't know where he was or what his plans were but I would be more than happy to send one of his brothers or sisters to visit.
I'm also trying to get one into the Montreal Biodome depending on whether I can convince them I'm not raving mad and that this is a serious conservation project. Anyway I hope that you're both fine and not missing Mac too much.
Thanks a lot for putting him up for a few weeks and I hope to hear from you soon.
Stay in touch take care

From: "Ian Sheldon"
To: "guy"
Subject: hi
Date: Friday, November 03, 2000 2:30 AM

Hi Guy
I just heard this tune on the radio, with lyrics that made my ears prick up (canid fashion). I thought of you as I heard it, and figured you might be interested.
Its by Lyle Lovett, and titled (I think) "Penguins are sensitive to my needs". That's about all Iknow, but I guess if you need some music at a show or something, this could be the tune to play!
Back to my illustrating

From: "Guy"
To: "Ian Sheldon"
Subject: Re: hi
Date: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 4:57 PM

Thanks for the e-mail. I looked the song up on the internet and managed to get the lyrics, so I will put them on the website at some stage even though I have no idea how the song goes.
The latest news is that one of my penguins will be assisting an expedition to the north pole in late March. I managed to get hold of one of the top boys at the Uni of Washington who is responsible for all the research at the pole and, luckily, he seems to have a good sense of humour.
I still haven't heard from Andy and Kindrie, maybe they've lost Mac and don't want to tell me!!
Anyway, speak to you soon

From: "Guy"
To: "Ian Sheldon"
Subject: Howdy
Date: Sunday, February 04, 2001 11:26 PM

How are you doing? I haven't heard from you for ages. I hope everything is going ok for you over there.
I've decided to make the Penguins more global so I'm spending about 6 months travelling round Australia, New Zealand, the Cook Islands and maybe a bit of west coast USA.
My girlfriend has already started her travelling as of last October so I decided to catch her up in Oz and do some penguin stuff out there. Should be fun! I'm booked to leave on the 2nd of April.
It's worked out quite well because Roger's selling the flat so when I move out a new owner moves in.
Have you heard from Andy about Mac, lately?
I've heard absolutely nothing.
Mac's probably shredded and he doesn't want to tell me. If that's true then that's ok. If they've got photos of the corpse then that's even better. We could put an obituary on the website!
Anyway, I'll speak to you later. Keep smiling even though your b**ls are probably freezing off right now.
They'll thaw out come springtime!
Take care

From: "Ian Sheldon"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Re: Howdy
Date: Monday, February 05, 2001 1:47 AM

Oh, bummer.
Suddenly my glorified trip to France seems really tame and boring. I just heard some news about penguins - apparently they dont fall over when they watch planes fly over. Some group of scientists spent five weeks observing them and came to this conclusion...
So, Andy still hasnt done anything with Mac... jeez, I knew they were slow acting people, and they said so when I saw them at Christmas, but this is crazy! I am going to be in Hawaii next month and will be meeting up with them. I will ask them to bring him out with them, and so I can rendezvous with Mac (provided they actually remember to bring him), and then I will leave him at Nita's who owns a b'n'b. Mac can eat lots of breakfast there until maybe he has had enough, and meets some people from who knows where who might take him who knows where.
How does that sound.
Of course this extravagant plan can only happen if they remember to bring him.
More later - hopefully some scans of slides of Mac in Hawaii (the Big Island), where I will be sure to give him a tour of volcanoes etc. I am sure he will appreciate the change of scene.
Gotta go eat,
PS If your travels in west US bring you up this way, feel free to stop by/stay, although I admit, Edmonton isnt on many tourist maps.

From: "Ian Sheldon"
To: "guy"
Subject: mac
Date: Sunday, February 11, 2001 5:32 PM

Guy News!
Andy and Kindrie say that they will bring Mac out to the Big Island, Hawaii, next month. I will take pix and scan them to you, and update after his exciting newly fired up travels kick up a little.


From: "Nita Isherwood"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Mac
Date: Thursday, March 22, 2001 12:17 AM

Ian Sheldon brought Mac to the B&B from Edmonton Canada. Kaya, who is 10 years, really likes him and wants to send you a message.
Do you have a web site?
Best alohas,

I really like mac.I think he is cute. He currenty in hawaii,HI. he is in a smalll town. How long did it take to mack mac. my sisster thinks it is just a wad of newspapper, but i think he is nice and cute. i would like to know where he is from.
mac said"hi".

View: or
Call: (US/Canada) 1-800-3ALOHAS (325-6427) or (local,other countries)1-808-328-2112
Fax: 1-808-328-2255
Write: 83-5465 Mamalahoa Hwy,
Captain Cook
HI 96704


Mac: Text

From: "Guy"
To: "Ian Sheldon"
Subject: Mac's aloha's
Date: Thursday, March 22, 2001 11:17 PM

How're you doing mate?
I know where Mac is now because I received a lovely e-mail from Nita and Kaya Isherwood saying that they had met both you and Mac whilst you were there.
Did you know I already have a penguin in Hawaii staying with a teacher in Honolulu called Ted Brattstrom?
Are you still travelling round Hawaii?
Wouldn't it be cool if you could find Ted and get a picture of all of you together!
Anyway, stay in touch and thanks for showing Mac a good time, oh, and thank Andy and Kindrie for me as well.
Speak to you later
All the best

From: "Guy"
To: "Nita Isherwood"
Subject: Re: Mac
Date: Thursday, March 22, 2001 11:25 PM

Dear Nita and Kaya,
Thank you for your lovely e-mail. It was great to hear from you and don't listen to your big sister, we both know that Mac is much, much more than a wad of newspaper - don't we?
Mac is actually a Welsh penguin from Wales, though I did make him in Bristol, England, his father is Welsh. It took me about 3 hours to make Mac and a lot of newspaper and sellotape. If you would like to learn more about Mac and the rest of his family you can visit them at
One of Mac's brothers, Ferdinand, will be the first penguin to the North Pole (well newspaper penguin, anyway) and hopefully I'll be able to track him via the internet.
Thanks again for taking an interest in Mac and I hope to hear from you soon.
All the best
Take care

From: "Ian Sheldon"
To: "Guy"
Subject: Re: Mac's aloha's
Date: Friday, March 23, 2001 2:25 AM

Hi Guy...
Glad to hear you heard - Mac report coming next week, with pictures and travel update... must dash
ps am back home and didnt know about Ted and penguin - was also on different island. that's so cool that there are two out there now!

From: Ian Sheldon
To: guy
Subject: Mac Report
Date: Sun, 01 Apr 2001

Hi Guy, or Guy's website manager,

Here is the latest Mac report. This is probably the last one I can give, since Mac's fate has landed now in other people's hands.....
In spring of 2000, following his explosion into Canada, Mac went into some kind of hermit mode. Perhaps it was the shock of the arid badlands of Alberta, or maybe some perculiar manifestation of jetlag, or maybe even the difficulties of trying to get his head around the Canadian people. Anyhow, Mac hopped into a car with Andy Bezener and Kindrie Grove, and became a recluse, tucked away in the mountains of the Okanagan near Penticton. At once Mac realized his mistake at this otherwise choice destination, because the cabin is surrounded by the active hunting antics of bobcat, lynx, cougars and even black bears.
Unknown quantities to Mac, he kept himself to himself as a recluse in the middle of nowhere for a long time, before realizing he was being a bit irrational about the whole thing. However, he was then somewhat shaken up by the loss of his two roommates Phoenix and Sable, two housecats that sadly disappeared in the night, and were later discovered to be the kill of a local bobcat. This was too much for Mac, and he hitched a ride with Andy and Kindrie for less hostile climes in Hawaii.
Coincidentally, Ian, former host to Mac in Alberta was on Hawaii (the Big Island), in Hawaii (the State), at the same time. A joyful reunion lessened the grief for him, and Mac joined Ian at the coffee shack at Nita's Bed and Breakfast (Lucky Farm) near Captain Cook. Happily taking a ride in the rental car and seeing the sites of the island, Mac still was cautious and nervous about venturing out very far from the safety of the vehicle. Mac slowly regained his confidence in life, and began to explore the farm. So many new things to see - coffee trees, bananas, papayas, all under hot sunshine. What a new world was opening up for Mac. Mac was somewhat taken by the lazy life and balmy climate of the Island, and has decided to stay with Nita for a while longer. He bid farewell to Ian, who was glad to see Mac becoming his former self, and no doubt soon to be embarking on further adventures, perhaps with a guest that he latches on to at Nita's farm. He is also pleased to discover that a brother resides close by in Honolulu, on the island of Oahu.
Below are some photos taken as mac began to explore his local environment, and where he currently resides.

Mac on his rental car parked by his accommodation - the Coffee Barn on Nita's b'n'b, Lucky Farm.

Mac ventures out to explore a coffee tree under the intense sunshine of the Kona coast.

In the quest for ripe bananas, Mac climbs into a banana tree, but fails to find any accessible fruit, which were all much higher up.

Mac shoves his nose into some unripe papaya, unfortunately not realizing that papaya need to be orange before they look and taste any good.

Well, that's it from me. Who knows if I will rendezvous with Mac some other place. I didnt expect to see him out in Hawaii. I thought he might end up travelling down the West Coast to California. And from Hawaii, the world is his oyster. Stuck in the middle of the Pacific, he could just as easily end up in Taiwan, Australia, or Peru.

Subject: one more mac shot
Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2001

Hi Guy,
Its not the best shot, but here's me, Nita and Mac in Hawaii. That's my last Mac shot. My god, the separation is unbearable.

From: Guy
To: Everyone
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 3:30 PM
Subject: New address

Hi guys,
Just a quick note to let you know (remind you of) my alternative address.
I will be leaving Cardiff on the 30th of March and flying on the 2nd of April.
Take care of yourselves and I'll see you later in the year.

From: Nita Isherwood
To: Guy
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2001
Subject: Re: New address

Aloha Guy,
This is Kaya in Hawaii, sorry it has taken be so long to get back to you.
I just got my report card today and got good grades so my mom is proud of me. I have my own e-mail address, so e-mail me at *****************.
Mac is going to go to my friends country, which is Stockholm Sweden, When I send Mac ,I will let you know, And my friend will let you know when she recieves it. Hope to hear from you soon
Aloha Kaya

View: or
Call: (US/Canada) 1-800-3ALOHAS (325-6427) or (local,other countries)1-808-328-2112
Fax: 1-808-328-2255
Write: 83-5465 Mamalahoa Hwy, Captain Cook HI 96704

From: Kaya Luke
Subject: hi from hawaii.
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2001

It is kaya from hawaii. My sisster just started liking mac and was wondering if we could keep him for a while longer?

P.S.Mac says hello

From: "Guy Wooles"
To: Kaya
Subject: Hi from Auckland
Date: Sat, 07 Jul 2001

Dear Kaya,
Thank you for your e-mail, of course you can keep Mac for a little longer. I know you'll look after him. Maybe you could contact Mac's brother, Tawaki, who is also in Hawaii. He's staying with Ted and he can be contacted at **************.
At the moment I am in Auckland. I have already done Australia - well most of it anyway. I travelled up the east coast to Cairns where I did a diving course on the Great Barrier Reef. I then flew to Darwin (very hot) and travelled down into central Australia to Alice Springs, sleeping under the stars on the way.
From Alice I went to Kings Canyon, Uluru (Ayers Rock) and the Olgas. If you ever get the chance to go to Ayers Rock then I fully recommend it.
From Alice Springs I then flew to Sydney for a few days before coming to Auckland.
Next week I should be travelling south to Wellington before heading to Oamaru to visit Mac's oldest brother Dennis and his friend Dave Houston. From then on I hope to see many more penguins and learn more about them.
I hope you are taking care of yourself and I'm glad to hear your sister likes penguins too!
Take care

From: Kaya Luke
To: Guy Wooles
Subject: Re: Hi from Auckland
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001

my sisster and i are happy.WE will try and contact macs brother.I am good.It is the rainy season so It raines alote.thanks.

To: Nita Isherwood & Kaya
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001
Subject: New address and warning
Just a quick note to let everyone know of my new e-mail address if I haven't let you know already (
Also I have recently discovered and removed a virus on my computer. This virus was a MAPI Worm called W32.Badtrans.B@mm and was only discovered by all the big computer companies on the 24th of November. So I must of been one of the first to get it (it came to me from Hawaii). My virus scan didn't pick it up until I updated it. It's not a particularly nasty one but is a pain in the arse because it e-mails itself to everyone and everything (including addresses found on websites you might visit) without telling you about it. The first thing I knew was when I started receiving 'undelivered mail' messages in my inbox to people I have never heard of but had visited their websites.
The virus came to me as an attachment in the form of an MP3 file called 'sorry_about_yesterday'. It's reasonably easy to remove and info on how to do it is on

If you received it then I'm sorry but I had no idea.
Anyway I hope you are all virus-free and I'll speak to you later.

From: "Nita Isherwood"
To: "Guy Wooles" <>
Subject: Re: New address and warning
Date: Sunday 02 December 2001

I'm sorry. That badTrans probably came from me. And it's mean, because it automatically goes out to everyone in your inbox.
Also, Kaya has fallen in love with Mac and I'm having a hard time getting him to give him up. Any ideas?

View: or
Call: (US/Canada) 1-800-3ALOHAS (325-6427)
or (local,other countries)1-808-328-2112
Fax: 1-808-328-2255
Write: 83-5465 Mamalahoa Hwy, Captain Cook HI 96704

From: Guy Wooles
To: Nita Isherwood
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001
Subject: Re: New address and warning

Dear Nita,
Yes, i think it did come from you. But don't worry about it. You had no idea that you had it. It wasn't that bad a virus anyway and took next to no time to get rid of. So no harm done. You must have been one of the first people to get it in the world!
As to Kaya and Mac. Well it seems a shame to break up such a close relationship, so as long as Kaya allows Mac to write home every now and then, then I see no reason why he shouldn't stay. As long as that's alright with you, Nita.
Take care

From: "Nita Isherwood"
To: "Guy Wooles"
Subject: Re: New address and warning
Date: Monday 03 December 2001

It's fine, Guy. And we do share Mac with lots of guests, along with your story. So he travels through word of mouth. Send me your web address again. We printed out the page but it got lost! I'll remind Kaya to keep you up to date. You must come visit him someday too.
Best alohas,

From: Kaya Luke
To: Guy Wooles
Subject: Mac's Reaport !
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001

Mac says merry christmas.He met one of my sissters
friends. Right now he is wearing a santa hat. He has been eating well. He has a big plate of small fish twice a day. He also has apple juice. It has been stormy and sunny. Mac has taking interest in skateboarding. Soon we will send some pictures of him. Well I have to go.

best wishes,
kaya & mac.  

From:Guy Wooles

Date:Monday, September 19, 2011

Subject:Paper Penguin Project



Hi Nita and Kaya,
If you remember me then, yes, it's me and I'm still alive. If not then I'm the weirdo that was sending paper penguins around the world!
I writing to let you know that I am kick-starting the Paper Penguin project again and I hope it will be bigger and better than before.
If you still have Mac, then that's great. But don't worry if you don't. After all these years I expect Mac to have left home by now.
If you do still have Mac could you update me of his location and situation. If not then maybe a little information of what you think 'may have happened to him'! All the information I will put on the new look website at
I am planning to provide educational and conservation information on the site as well as a page for penguin related worksheets for educational establishments as well as individuals. So if there's anything you think I should include on the site or you have any ideas please let me know.
I hope you are well and I look forward to hearing from you.
Guy Wooles


To:Guy Wooles

Date:Monday, September 19, 2011

Subject:Re: Paper Penguin Project



Aloha Guy,

Nita is no longer the owner of Lucky Farm B&B, I have forwarded your email to her so she will probably respond. As for "Mac"...I am familiar & have participated with "Flat Stanley" but have no knowledge of Mac, the Paper Penguin. If I run into Kaya (if you mean Christine's son?) I'll ask him if he knows anything of what happened to Mac.

check out our website and please also check out our Facebook page under Pomaika'i "Lucky" Farm B&B
Johnsie Sumner, Innkeeper

Mac: Text
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