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Manor House Wildlife Park, St Florence, Pembrokeshire, Wales

  • DOB - 02/08

  • VITALS - 26cm x 17cm x 11cm

  • LOCATION - Penarth, Wales

  • INTERESTS - Hill walking , Jetskiing, White water rafting

  • MUSIC - Lady GaGa, Pink, Tool

  • FAV SONG - Aenima - Tool

Archie: Image


On Thursday, 3rd November, 2011, Archie and I travelled down to St Florence, in Pembrokeshire in Wales, to the Manor House Wildlife Park. Archie will be the new addition to the staff there and will be assisting Glenda Wilkinson with the education programme that Glenda is working on.

Whilst we were there we met the keepers and the Head keeper, Ross. Glenda took us on a guided tour of the park and the more we saw the more excited Archie grew. But in the galleries you can meet the new friends Archie will meet in the coming weeks and months.

Archie: Text

Archie's Gallery 1

Archie: Gallery

Archie's Gallery 2

Archie: Gallery

Archie's Gallery 3

Archie: Gallery

Email Correspondence

Archie's e-mails

FromGuy Wooles

Date22 September 2011

SubjectPaper Penguin Project




My name is Guy Wooles and I’m an artist and designer. Twelve years ago I set up the Paper Penguin Project as a final year piece of work for my degree in Fine Art in Context. The project was designed to be a fun and interesting as well as educational but sadly it has lain dormant for a few years so now I've decided to reinvigorate the site and get it up and running again.

I am planning to provide educational and conservation information on the site as well as a page for penguin/wildlife related worksheets for educational establishments as well as individuals. So if there's anything you think I might include on the site or you have any ideas or information I can use I would appreciate your suggestions.

If you would like to take part in the project by taking one of my penguins and documenting its experiences with you it could be an interesting and fun way to show people the work that you do. Also you could use it as a vehicle to raise issues that you are currently dealing with.

I assume this is the first you have heard of the Paper Penguin Project so all the information can be found on the site for you to decide whether you would like to get involved in the project.

I have had penguins at the North Pole, New Zealand and Hong Kong – to name but a few. So they are already well travelled!

I have added your link to my site and was also hoping that you might place my link on your site. If you don’t think it appropriate this does not mean that I will remove your link.

Thank you for your time

Guy Wooles

Date11 October 2011

ToGuy Wooles

SubjectRe: Paper Penguin Project




I've been away on holiday - just back today and found this amongst hundreds of other emails.

And yes! We'd love to be included - what's involved? Where are educational aspects? (We are just revamping education programme to make it more hands on and involving)



FromGuy Wooles

Date12 October 2011

SubjectRe: Paper Penguin Project



Hi Glenda,

Thanks for replying. I was wondering whether you would like to take one of my Paper Penguins and document the work that is done at the zoo in the form of photos and emails? This information can then be published on the Paper Penguins website. The penguin can be used to highlight any conservation or education issues that you would like to raise, as well as being a fun and interesting way to see 'behind the scenes' of a busy zoo.

I have just got back in contact with one of my penguins, Elvis, who is residing with Sue Dow. Sue is the research and sustainability officer at Bristol Zoo. I'm hoping the Project could also be away of bringing different zoos and organisations together to share information and ideas.
I have had two Penguin and conservation related organisations in South Africa express a keen interest in getting involved as well.

If you would still like to get involved that would be great because I'm very keen on getting a Welsh organisation involved in the project.
Let me know what you think and if you are happy then we can arrange for a very lucky penguin to come and stay!

Thanks again and all the best.

Speak to you soon


Date13 October 2011

ToGuy Wooles

SubjectRe: Paper Penguin Project




Yes please - we'd love to get involved. Did I tell you we are just revamping our education programme, so this is the perfect time for us to join in.


FromGuy Wooles

Date26 October 2011

SubjectPaper Penguin Project



Hi Glenda,

Well the auditions are over and the live shows have been viewed.

So now I can finally reveal the winner of 2011's 'The P Factor' is............................................Archie!

To be honest it didn't take long. He had his hat, coat and boots on before I had even finished mentioning the adventure to Manor House Wildlife Park.
I am hoping to bring him down myself sometime next week if that's OK with you (after the half-term rush)? Is there a bad or good time for you? If so let me know and we can arrange the best time. Obviously I will give you plenty of notice beforehand. Hopefully I can take some cracking pictures for the website while I'm there too.

Look forward to hearing from you soon.


Date26 October 2011

ToGuy Wooles

SubjectRe: Paper Penguin Project



Brilliant! Next Thusday or Friday are completely free at the moment. Name your day and time and I'll put it in the diary.


FromGuy Wooles

Date29 October 2011

SubjectPaper Penguin Project



Hi Glenda,
Thursday sounds like a good day. Let me know if there's any time which is inconvenient but I will aim to get there about 1pm. Any problems let me know. Hopefully it will be a sunny day!

Date29 October 2011

ToGuy Wooles

SubjectRe: Paper Penguin Project




In the diary for 1pm Thursday 3rd November. Looking forward to meeting you and Archie!



Date03 November 2011

ToGuy Wooles

SubjectRe: Paper Penguin Project




Big thanks for today - I've decided to bring Archie back home until next week as I'm away for a few days.

Will give you an update next week and get photos off to you.

In the meantime give me details of your prints, cards etc and some low res images of them and I'll talk to Nicky, the retail manager, next week.

I'll also sort out some images for you over the next two weeks - I've got some cracking animal pics gathered up.

Hopefully we'll get Archie established over the winter, and enroll him in the education programme.

Also can you send me the contact detail for Ted Brattstrom and Tawaki at Pearl City High School, so I can pass them on to Marten at the Darwin Centre, that would be brilliant.

Hope you had a good journey home - looking forward to building new connections with Archie.



FromGuy Wooles

Date06 November 2011

SubjectRe: Paper Penguin Project



Hi Glenda,
It was great to meet you on Thursday. I hope your mum had a great birthday.
I've emailed Ted just to make sure he doesn't mind me passing on his details (can't see any problems but thought I'd better ask first!).
I updated Archie's page on Thursday night and the pics look great. If you would like me to change or add anything to the captions then please let me know.
Thanks alot and hope to hear form you soon.


PS-Tell Archie to wish Anna a full and speedy recovery from the Paper Penguin family and me!

Archie: Text
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