The Paper Penguin Project

My Story
Welcome to the Paper Penguin Project, my name is Guy Wooles and I am an artist and designer from Penarth in Wales, UK.
The Paper Penguin project site was created in 1999 to document and record the travels and experiences of Dennis and his brothers and sisters.
There have been numerous penguin adventures including Hong Kong, New York, Canada, Bristol Zoo and the North Pole. All these ‘residencies’ have been compiled and presented on the website that I created specifically for this work in 1999. I was even interviewed by John Peel about the project in 2003.
I would like to establish a network of ‘paper penguin’ residencies (not necessarily permanent) around the world in locations of conservation, ecological or educational interest, that will send back documentation and photographs. The information of each penguin's experiences of the culture and lifestyle of their location can then be published on this website and hopefully used for educational purposes.
Please feel free to send me any ideas or suggestions for the website or any ‘travels’ you might think would be worthy of one of my paper ‘birds’!
If you enjoy the site and would like to support the Paper Penguin Project, you can do so in a number of ways...
1. Spread the word
2. Join the Facebook page and recommend to friends
3. Take a look and/or purchase original artwork prints or cards from my artwork page.
This project cannot be achieved without the support of all the penguin hosts and the people who visit this site. So please spread the word and help me continue this exciting project.
If there are any celebrities reading this who feel like they could give a penguin a home and document their mundane life through the eyes of a very discrete penguin then please contact me. Anyone who already has a penguin, please get in touch with me again.